Better for what? Your wallet? Torque?
One thing many people do not consider that H2so4 touched on, is you can go a loooong way on a tank of diesel. This is a safety thing......if you are prepper minded. I recall back in 2017 when hurricane Irma came to FL. Everyone in the state started hoarding gasoline and diesel a week before the storm hit. Gas stations all throughout Florida as well as on I-75 in South Georgia were empty and lights turned out. Out of gas cars with tags from south Florida littered the sides of I-75 all the way to Atlanta. Families standing there with kids crying and no one helping them. The one or two stations that did have gas had lines 5 miles long with people fist fighting every 200 yards over someone trying to cut in line. And our population has only exploded since will happen again, just a matter of when....and it will be worse. I remember patting myself on the back for having a diesel as I sat in the slow moving traffic and watching all of the chaos, fear, and downright disgusting behavior going on all around me. I can go 600+ miles on one tank. I do tow a 10,000# trailer, so "I need it".... but regardless because of that experience I will never drive anything other than a diesel unless something better comes along or I have no choice.
2016 Duramax 6.6L LML