Did I get the biggest..

Blisters Forever/Unlimited/Foundation certified measuring professionals (CMPs) would have been able to give that a score, but you released it back into its natural habitat. if you'll send us some measurements of your foot, with the time of day, GPS coords we'll get you a green score just for conversation's sake.
Dayammm, get that one mounted and put it on the wall!

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That is excellent! It reminds me of one I got years ago. We camped on the beach and had a roaring fire, want to sleep and the next morning the top layer of sand was cold, but when I stepped into the soft sand the lower layer was still hot enough to cause instant blistering on about 1/3 of my foot, top and bottom. It made for an unpleasant pack out...
Can I please have the sock/boot combo you used so I know to never even try it? 😂 all jokes aside you tougher than I am for not stopping till it got that big!