Deer only coming to corn at night time what to do to change that

My experience is it works the same as any other movement. If they are living in your area and moving during daylight, you will get them in the corn in daylight. During the rut it depends on what the does are doing. Bucks will follow the does. After the rut, you should be able to pattern again. If they are still nocturnal, you are too far from bedding area.
im in NC and i have about 8 acres to hunt
Is it hardwooda? Swamp? Mountainous? Is there thick cover?

Are there oaks on the 8 acres? Acorns on the ground? What's the natural food source in the area?

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If you arial spread your corn, think of a lawn fertilizer spreader. They'll more naturally feed milling around, taking longer to fill up encouraging them to eat sooner, you can spread the corn in a larger area that way too.
This has been successful hunting feeders in south Texas with my family. Spread the corn around in a larger surface area around it and not in one big pile to create that competition for food. Make them want to hit the area sooner before other deer or animals start hitting it. Timer on the feeder is set for 30 mins after LST and 1.5 hours before it ends. But we spread an equal amount of corn that goes into the feeder in a 50 foot radius around the feeder and down the main game trails leading up to it. The animals know when that dinner bell goes off and they will want to be there about 30 mins before that feeder goes off.

Also noticed those animals will pattern you for when you are in there replenishing the bait. So if you are doing it after work everyday they know it’s safe to go in several hours later in the dark. Maybe try to switch to bait it in the early morning before work and then to hunt it set up for them to hit it late morning or midday when conditions are right
im in NC so its legal to bait deer and i dont have a feeder for deer i just throw corn out on the ground but im new at this so trying to learn so would it benefit me to get a feeder?
Don't put corn out...there is still so much browse in this area currently they don't need to eat corn. I slid down a hill on my zero turn yesterday due to all the acorns on the ground from the red oak in my was like driving on ball bearings. Honey suckle is still around in spots...All your doing throwing corn on the ground this time of year is feeding the squirrels, turkeys, birds, and coons. It's the tail end of the rut here.
I have one central broadcast feeder spinning 15 minutes before sunrise and an hour before sunset, then a big 6 drop free feed station that’ll hold 10+ does on it continuously night and day during the season. I have both clearings connected by a road I had cut, but not in direct view of each other. Does bring the bucks throughout the day and the spin feeder noise brings the hogs and wandering deer.

Also, apple scented corn is everything. I’ve run plain stuff and the deer just turn their nose at it like spoiled children. I feed apple, and they’re overnight crackheads.
moon phase and hunting season are the top 2 things that i see to effect when they move. they do seem to go nocturnal the day before general gun!
You want to shoot a deer - follow instructions:

  • Go to a remote area you haven't been overhunting, find deer trail crossing a dirt/tote/logging road/open area with fresh tracks and spread a bag of corn over a 10 to 20-yard section with the crossing trail centered.
  • Come back in 2.5-3 days and hunt it. You should get a deer.
  • Apple corn does have a following among hunters and deer.
  • Set your stand a comfortable shot away on the downwind side of the corn. 100 yds would be good.
  • If you can walk a trail and be very quiet getting into stand, even better.

As mentioned - the more time you spend walking around, checking cam, etc. the less you will see.

8 acres will give you maybe 5 hunts over the entire season - space em out and you get 2 consecutive days per hunt. Each stand spot will be burned the 2nd time you hunt it.

Be nice if you could plant a small food plot and fruit tree or two on the property. Skip the spinner type feeders. There used to be one called "ghost feeder" which is totally silent, I'll be wanting one once I get some property.

Save your hunts for the best winds and days before/after weather fronts and known rut movement.

I've not seen the moon affect deer hunting that much. My fav time to be in the woods is a week pre-rut - Halloween week where i hunted, and it was usually a full moon. Seen most buck movement about 10 am.

Good luck to you.
1) feeding deer typically makes them nocturnal and jumpy as hell when around the feed.
2) Cold weather will make them move earlier- hunt the really cold days.
1) feeding deer typically makes them nocturnal and jumpy as hell when around the feed.
2) Cold weather will make them move earlier- hunt the really cold days.
I guess it’s a totally different setting here in south and central Texas. Timed feeders bring deer like clockwork and as long as you’ve got a solid 200 degrees of cover within a radius of 20 yards around the feeder, they’ll hold there no problem. If you park one in the middle of a field, that’s a whole different story. As soon as they here that clanging, it’s a straight up dinner bell.
Back in the days before baiting was frowned on by the DNR, I'd haul a scoop of sugar beets out with my 4-wheeler and trailer. It took 4 trips. Deer would be eating the 1st trailer load by the time I'd get the 2nd out in the woods. They'd run off 50-60 yards and watch while I dumped each load.

When I switched to an electric feeder, they got to the point of knowing when it was going to go off. I'd watch them staged a ways off until it spun for the 3rd time and come right in.

You might get a nice buck coming into bait early in the season, but very rarely this time of year. Right now, they're roaming all over looking for hot does. If you have does coming in to feed, a buck is liable to come check them out. After the rut dies down, they may start coming back, trying to put the weight back on they lost chasing does.
I just go hunt in the national forest and state forest...don't shoot many deer though... Whitetail hunting is tough, very frustrating to see bucks on trail cam at night but ghosts during the day... I did not realize that baiting was legal in so many states....I'm just not a fan of hunting over bait, but to each his own. Good luck out there
I just go hunt in the national forest and state forest...don't shoot many deer though... Whitetail hunting is tough, very frustrating to see bucks on trail cam at night but ghosts during the day... I did not realize that baiting was legal in so many states....I'm just not a fan of hunting over bait, but to each his own. Good luck out there
thank you same to you
When they see, smell, hear humans that aren't around all year in an area that makes them not want to move in that area during daytime hours. An obvious trailcam right on top of the bait might make them less likely to want to go to it during daylight hours too.

It sounds like they are probably pretty well learned up on you being around by now and your primary hope this season is a doe gets hot and the bucks get stupid.

Is there other hunters or human presence in the area surrounding this 8 acres? You can do everything right on that 8 acres but if there are people out and about adjacent to the property your lack of intrusion on 8 acres probably isn't going to keep them from being nocturnal.
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im a beginer hunter ive noticed that the deer coming into my corn are all through the night and none during the day is there anyway to change that? and what should do to combat this problem
hey, I know you're new here (welcome!), but be sure and post these in the correct forum This is the General forum. I'm moving you to the Whitetail forum. Thanks!