The new deer mortality survey for the Sublette and Wyoming Range Mule Deer Herds shows the fawn survival rate is 80 to 90 percent. Now all we need is some more mild winters and better game management,
Be interesting to see what those surveys show by this fall. The Wyoming range has just felt lower the last few years, far fewer deer sighted. Even after the season was over during elk season there seemed to be far fewer.
sreeekers, there are far fewer after that brutal 2010/1011 winter. You're definitely not imagining things.
Lawsonw, thanks for posting that. I see you live close to that herd. Good to hear and the boost we need. Only drawback, is that it will be about 2014 before those fawn bucks will start to get interesting. Great to have a good crop coming up.
This is what happened after winter 92/93, many losses, but next winter 93/94 was milder and the next few not too bad and by later in the 90's we were seeing some smackers again. It's all a cylce that hunting is just a small part of. Winter has the final say.
Robby I agree. My dad lived next to the dump in Montpilier. I vividly remember the spring of 92/93 watching the ranchers haul truck load after truck load of dead deer from their fields to the dump. I not sure that area has ever fully recovered. I haven't been over there in awhile but i hear are here they are screwing things up with a lot of mining activity in critical areas.
I can't say much about Mother Nature but all the private stuff affecting the deer herds makes me sick.