Best thing I ever did was get rid of cable 2 years ago. I miss Rinella, Newberg, the guys at the Western Hunter, and a few others but by and large I do not miss those idiots on OCh and SpCh at all. BTW, I have a good friend trying to get a new show on the air right now. He has told me all about the process of trying to get a new show on one of those channels (or even Nat Geo channel or others). It is pretty cutthroat. Producers are looking for $$$ and if they don't see it, they don't bite. It's true, a lot of the idiots on those channels pay to put their content on TV in the hopes that some clothing brand or other sponsor picks up their show to cover costs eventually. That does explain a lot of the crap we see. As a Western hunter, I also have to remember that we are probably the minority of what the hunting industry caters to. Eastern and Southern whitetail hunters probably outnumber us 10:1 on overall numbers. Seasons are much longer and there is a lot more money to be made on trail cams, food plots, blinds, etc so most shows cater to them. These forums are pretty good about info sharing and learning how to hunt western big game...Mostly I miss the TV shows for scenery and techniques...not kill shots.