Dalton Hwy specific question


Jul 7, 2017
North Idaho
Still planning a plan B trip this fall DIY. Currently running into one snag and was hoping to ask people who have frequented the haul road during hunting and could help me with this. How easy is it to catch a ride in Sept from point A to point B? Thanks in advance. I'm open to elaborating via pm just broad strokes in the general forum.
Do you mean like down the road back to your truck? I usually stop if I see a guy walking and see if he needs a ride if there isn't a truck in view, I don't think I've ever had someone not stop to talk if I was hiking down the road, but I usually go in early august since it seems a little calmer people wise atleast.
That is very vague for sure…

I assume you are talking before Sept 15 and the non-resident closure? After that date traffic get light. I guess most people are willing to help if you really need help but to be part of your hunting plan, I would not count on it

Not a chance a trucker stops for you unless you wave them down emergency style. And if they do and it’s just to bum a ride to save $ I don’t think it would go over well 🤷🏻‍♂️
Question is a bit vague for sure. But yes, just looking to go from point B on the haul road back to point A. Really wondering if I need to stash a mountain bike somewhere along road if no one will let a dude jump into their pickup bed. Timing would be closer to beginning of Sept to coincide with moose and caribou.
I've hunted the haul road before for caribou and I've seen cow and calf moose but never a bull and I haven't seen a Moose anywhere past Toolik Lake. If you need a ride to your truck after hiking a couple miles I could easily see someone doing that. But if you're thinking Fairbanks north and you're wanting someone to help haul your moose out you're going to need your own truck. Just get a UHaul and find some people who want to DIY Caribou and drag them with you to cost share like all the other Non-Residents.
Alyeska and truckers aren't allowed and won't stop to p/u hunters unless it's emergent. But hunters with room in their truck beds usually offer a ride. One year took my bike just in case and ended up with a 30-mile no thank you back to the truck. Never again for me on a bike. Rocks flying like bullets off some of those truck tires.
Thomas- Got a buddy coming with me on this one. One of us would stay with meat and gear while the other whores himself for a ride back to our rig. Sounds like I have to bring a wig and makeup for him, he's already got the sitka camo🤫🤦

Larry- glad you said that. We had thought about buying a dirt bike up there and stashing it somewhere then liquidate when we're thru but gonna have to hard pass on being a rock bullet sponge.

Gonna have to just wing it on exfil, hope for the best and plan for a walk
I've given rides out before to hunters on the road. I would chance it someone else would as well. $100 would get you a ride with most I believe.