Dall Sheep Referrals


May 4, 2018
No the best big game hunting is done without a guide. Its about family or best friends working together. Or going by yourself and feeling that deep sense of personal satisfaction when you stand over that hard fought ram.
I think you have to look at your motivations. When you go on a guided hunt and fork out the big bucks its primarily about the animal. If it was about the adventure or experience you could do a thousand things more challenging for less money. So if its about the animal, go to Canada. Pay a little more and wait. Can you get a nice ram in Alaska? Sure, but do you have a much better chance in Canada? Yes. My experience as a resident sheep hunter in Alaska for the last ten years with the guiding industry is not positive. I've been in camps and airports and seen plenty of guys going home empty handed or with average/barely legal rams. You hear about shady stuff going on all the time. I've hunted areas that are well known to resident sheep hunters and known to get a lot of pressure and yet these poor clients are there each having paid 25-30 grand. Do your homework, don't cheap out, wait if you have to and look real hard at going to Canada.


Aug 13, 2014
Bonnet Plume Outfitters Yukon Canada

Done Dall Sheep got A 12 year old ram
Wolf and black bear.
Also went and got a moose 66” and grizzly
Sep 9, 2012
I had a great bowhunt with Canol Outfitters in the Mackenzie Mts of the NWT a year ago. The area was Stan Simpson's Ram Head Outfitters until 2017. Glenda Groat is the manager there now and is the real deal. The guides were great as well. Good luck on your hunt!
Jan 6, 2014
No the best big game hunting is done without a guide. Its about family or best friends working together. Or going by yourself and feeling that deep sense of personal satisfaction when you stand over that hard fought ram.
I think you have to look at your motivations. When you go on a guided hunt and fork out the big bucks its primarily about the animal. If it was about the adventure or experience you could do a thousand things more challenging for less money. So if its about the animal, go to Canada. Pay a little more and wait. Can you get a nice ram in Alaska? Sure, but do you have a much better chance in Canada? Yes. My experience as a resident sheep hunter in Alaska for the last ten years with the guiding industry is not positive. I've been in camps and airports and seen plenty of guys going home empty handed or with average/barely legal rams. You hear about shady stuff going on all the time. I've hunted areas that are well known to resident sheep hunters and known to get a lot of pressure and yet these poor clients are there each having paid 25-30 grand. Do your homework, don't cheap out, wait if you have to and look real hard at going to Canada.

Plenty of my past hunters have been in it for the experience, with the harvesting of an animal secondary to that experience. Those who truly appreciate the entirety of the hunt, the beauty of the wilderness, and the privilege of the experience make the best clients.


Apr 10, 2015
A good buddy of mine has been to Arctic Red River 3 times, successful on each trip. I have talked with Tavis and hunted with one of the guides for ARRO, if I were to go, it would be with them.