Anyone have their browning abolt barrels cut for suppressor? Browning stainless steel abolt in 270 WSM, 23" barrel
I know there are a few threads discussing this already with some other models but I am looking at having a local gunsmith thread my browning abolt for a suppressor and I have a feeling I will need to cut down the barrel to get enough diameter for the threads for this to work. My main concern is impacts to velocity, performance down range, accuracy, etc.. I understand shorter barrel = less velocity, but how much?
I know there are a few threads discussing this already with some other models but I am looking at having a local gunsmith thread my browning abolt for a suppressor and I have a feeling I will need to cut down the barrel to get enough diameter for the threads for this to work. My main concern is impacts to velocity, performance down range, accuracy, etc.. I understand shorter barrel = less velocity, but how much?