Cut the cable. What now?

I steal Amazon Prime for my mom. It has a decent amount of shows on it for what I need which is very minimal. Even has some hunting shows. and youtube have plenty of hunting shows. I bought a used Xbox 360 for cheap to use to connect my TV to the internet along with have a DVD player.
Thanks for all the suggestions. I have a smart TV, so I got my sister inlaws Netflix password and tried that out last night. Seems like it is going to work out pretty good. I will have to get some additional packages once football season starts, but other than that, I think I might be set.
I ended up watching more TV after cutting the cable for a short time.

When we found something we liked, we tend to end up binge watching stuff( as opposed to 1 episode a week). You get like 15 seconds to turn it off before the next episode comes on, that's dangerous.

Hard to admit this, when I was catching up on "Suits". I had a whole day that all I did was watch that show and eat. First and last time I ever did that. Damn I felt like a worthless pile.

I do tend to watch and/or listen to a lot more podcasts and You Tube. Did just finish up Godless on netlfix, that was pretty good.

Personally I have found that if the TV is on and I'm not into what is on, I'm on a tablet.
hulu and Netflix.

the thing i miss the most are very good hunting shows. i hope most of them go to youtube or something anyways.
Probably personal preference to a degree, research the content a little. There are also some that have free content (one from Sony, called Crackle is well established). My son-in-law has one through one of the game companies (PlayStation, I think) because it's more sports oriented.