Custom Dial Opinions - Worth it?

Variables are constantly changing. Your etched turret is not. Dialing 8 minutes on a scope and dialing to your 400 yard mark takes the same number of clicks and time. One is adaptable, one is not. It’s a waste, and takes away from the adaptability of a scope. I guess you can think about it and count clicks to change off your etched turret if it’s different, but then why not just run a moa based turret and skip the brain game. I want to make the best shot I can at 4,5,600 yards. It’s too easy to mess a shot at that range up. I want as many variables I can control in my favor.
I don’t disagree, but when you’re hunting the mountains and don’t have service you’re guesstimating most things anyway...temp, humidity, barometric pressure...and the difference in slight changes isn’t that much. I don’t use an etched turret but think they would work for 90% of guys...of course you could find extreme situations that they might not.
The guys here are spot on. 0-5/600 the elevation delta will be minimal on drop for a elk/deer.

That said, I use Leupolds and have could have used a custom dial. Instead I use a custom tape that runs about $25 and works great for a quick range, dial shoot. Easier than a dope card, but not the same commitment as a full custom dial.

If you need to shoot longer than 5/600 best option is the app based programs on your phone.

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The issues are the inconsistencies in EVERYTHING. How long is your turret good for? Most guys are shooting something that is going to require chasing the throat or suffering from velocity spreads. Are you going to load back to the tape on the next lot of powder or are you going to adjust to the new velocity with a zero shift or just remember to add a click? Are you a factory ammo guy who bought enough to get through the shortage or are you going to buy something pretty close?

It don't matter, just get pretty close and call it good.
I don’t disagree, but when you’re hunting the mountains and don’t have service you’re guesstimating most things anyway...temp, humidity, barometric pressure...and the difference in slight changes isn’t that much. I don’t use an etched turret but think they would work for 90% of guys...of course you could find extreme situations that they might not.
A simple moa or mil based turret, some understanding and some real dope works even better.

We are guesstimating. An etched turret locks you into a single guesstimation. Not a real word but I’m going with it.
Quick example, 2020 I shot a deer first week of November in Montana, it was 70 degrees and I was deboning the thing in a t shirt and underwear cause I thought no way in hell will I need shorts in November.

2019 same time the high was 9 degrees with 20mph winds.
Extremes happen. My example above isn’t even that extreme and proves that just a couple variables can push off a fairly efficient bullet in America’s most popular hunting caliber 7” off target.

Obviously the OP isn’t using the cds as a crutch, and has an understanding of his rifle. But I still don’t see the point in locking a scope into a single set of variables.
No matter which of the side of the coin you are on, there is one universal answer that works for everyone...


Many of the examples on this thread
don’t take into account.

-Lot variation whether it be factory ammo or reloading components
-temp stability of the powder used, do you even know what powder is used?
-Is your zero absolutely perfect? Dead nuts not a 1/4” off. I bet not.
- Does your BC match up with your dope? Maybe I’m the only one that has had to mess with my bc a little bit to get things to Mach up with some bullets.
-Scope tracking, has it been checked, how much error is present. We all know Leupold scopes track every time.
-Aerodynamic jump? Yea the wind effects your up and down too. Even at a measly 500 yards.
-What’s your ES?

Now let’s factor in environmentals, what the rifle is able to shoot group wise, wind variation, and the hope that you got a perfect range.

Makes me wonder why I would ever want to be locked into a system that is specifically made for one set of variables.
Confusing, to me, sounds like trying to remember how many clicks over my (insert yardage here) line I need to hold because it happens to be a cold day. Give me a MOA turret. For my abilities I'm going to take my time for a shot over 300 yds anyway, and I want a solid ballistic solution.

I get a little uncomfortable with figuring on that 16'' kill zone. Seems like Murphy could exploit that.
I use a custom turret label for short range hunting situations (0-600). I personally don't like the idea of the etched turret because it's so permanent. I make up a label for the anticipated location where I will be hunting. My velocities and BC are validated by shooting at the distances I expect to hunt. Then I make my turret label.

They started pretty ugly and humble.

....but have gotten a little better. Still pretty redneck...but it works for me
I didn’t answer that end cause it was ridiculous. Plenty of serious shooters doing a lot of shooting under 600 yards. Average range for a target at a local match around here is right around that mark.

Thank you for illustrating my point! The average shot they encounter is at a distance at which a custom dial is known to be compromised.

That's to say nothing of target size, where an X-ring is about 5" if shooting for score. It's almost like competition shooting pairs tighter margins of error and longer distances...
Thank you for illustrating my point! The average shot they encounter is at a distance at which a custom dial is known to be compromised.

That's to say nothing of target size, where an X-ring is about 5" if shooting for score. It's almost like competition shooting pairs tighter margins of error and longer distances...
Not shooting x rings.
I like to have as close to exact data for the conditions I am hunting/shooting in. As the range increases the demand for more precise solutions increases, obviously. I use several ways of obtaining that data while in the field.

I have a laser range finder with rudimentary ballistics, Kestrel with Applied Ballistics, and the Ballistic ARC app' on my phone. Great tools to use on the practice range and for longer than usual shots in the field (+650 yards for me). I do not rely on the electronics in the field though, as they always have a chance to fail at the wrong time.

I make data cards specifically for the conditions I predict I will be in during an up coming hunt. I use these cards 95% of the time for a shooting solution, dialing to the MOA or MIL specified for the range. The thing that is different on my range cards than most I have seen is I include reticle ranging information for when the laser rangefinder fails. This has assisted me several times to confirm what the laser rangefinder is saying, or just replaced the rangefinder all together on an occasion or two.

I have not used them yet, but for hunts this fall I am going to try the custom built turret wraps in place of a single CDS turret. I have built several wraps to my spec's that will be fine tuned and ordered for specific hunting conditions this fall. I can simply replace the wraps from hunt to hunt. The wraps I built have original MIL markings on the bottom (for continued traditional dialing), elevation data in the middle, and windage info on top.


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