Cures for heel slip ?

I also know that Kenetrek has redesigned their boot with a more narrow heel, and all the guys they had test the new ones were guys that could never wear Kenetreks before because of heel slip, and those testers have had a 100% fit rate with the new ones.
i just bought a new pair of kenetrek terranes. Wore them for 2 miles and it didn't take too long before my heels blistered. I'm gonna try some new lacing methods and/or the other possible solutions to heel slippage.
I just tried the lacing methods listed and it made no difference what so ever. I'm calling Lanthrop and sons and see what they can do for me.
Lacing boots differently doesn't do jack for me. A shitty fitting boot is a shitty fitting boot. I had given up on all the hard sole, stiff, mountaineering boots. My experience this summer has taught me my feet F'n hate them. I've tried Kennetreks, Crispis, hanwags and some Meindl's. My heels look like the Lathrop and Sons ad. I finally said screw it and ordered Pronghorns from Lathrop. I know these boots work for my feet. If I have to buy a new pair every year, so be it. Well Lathrop called me becaue they were out of stock in what I ordered. Cabelas was also out until late August. So Lathrop switched me to a Lowa Khumbu II. This is a softer sole, tapered shank boot. The guy I talked to said a lot of people can't get those mt boots to work for their feet, and this boot seems to work for people like us. So we'll see, I should get them within a couple days.

There is no cure for heel slip, other than finding a boot that works for you...In my case, if the Khumbu's don't work for me, the old faithful Danner Pronghorns will be my answer to heel slip...
I talked for a minute with Stephen at Lanthop and Sons and emailed some pictures. I'll call back tomorrow and see. I'm not hopeful for Tibet LL 's. Anybody need a size 12 m ? Probably available for $250 shipped after tomorrow. :( . About 8 miles , two walks is it.
Can anybody explain in detail how they duct tape the heal? Over the sock? Directly on the skin? If directly on the skin, is mole akin better? Do the edges peel after a hike? Any specific way to cut it so that it fits better? Got one boot fitting great, one that could be trouble.
I've had my share of heel problems this year and moleskin and duct tape both slip after time so I started looking for alternatives. I've been using a product called Leukotape that I bought off Amazon and it has remained in place for every hike so far. The Leukotape is highly breathable so it doesn't seem to lose its stick after my feet sweat. It is fairly thin however and it doesn't cushion like moleskin. I've been using blister pads directly on my existing blisters than the Leukotape to hold the pads in place. The pads provide the cushion and together they have been working great so far.
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I'll definitely have to try the leukotape, call me a wimp, but I'm really trying to avoid blisters, too much scouting to do before the season.
Can anybody explain in detail how they duct tape the heal? Over the sock? Directly on the skin? If directly on the skin, is mole akin better? Do the edges peel after a hike? Any specific way to cut it so that it fits better? Got one boot fitting great, one that could be trouble.

I've used duct tape directly on my heel. It reduces the friction between the skin & the sock, which causes the blisters. Moleskin also works, but doesn't hold up quite as long as duct tape.
If you can get your hands on it, the absolute best blister protection product is called Compeed from Johnson and Johnson. Way better than moleskin. The trick is getting it, as its not sold in the States at all.
Ultra marathoners are using Leukotape P on their feet rather than duct tape. It breaths and its glue is water resistant. A soldier on his blog wore it for three or four days with out changing it out. His first blister free field time.

You can get it online at Zombie runner or on Amazon.

I'll be taping up this Friday morning in Tok, and will let you all know how it worked when I get back.
Thanks for the great info, going to have some in the pack, just in case, do any stores carry leukotape?
Has anyone else (esp. older guys) noticed that many of the boots now within the past 5-10 yrs seem to have a soft/strechy area that extends so far down the back of the leg/heel that the heel is not locked in as well (especially with really stiff shanked boots). It seems to me that in their effort to decrease a little bit of boot pinch in the Achilles area or front of the ankle, boot makers have caused other problems such as heel slip and decreased lateral stability at the ankle. I have never really had heel blisters, even off trail or with wearing boots for days in wet jungle terrain or while fighting fires, until getting these Zamberlan Viozz boots (which seem to be quality well made expensive boots but possibly not the best designed in my many others it seems these days).
Since I didn't get any interest in my Lowa Tibet LL I decided to try to break them in and toughen up my feet. I'm wearing them all day at work with my Darn Tough socks. It is working I think. In two days I'm starting to get a callous and the uppers are getting some flex. The flex is allowing the lacing to tighten up the heel some also. I'm going to have three different boots broke in by my trip so maybe one will work out well.
I had Lowa Hunters in 13 and have recently exchanged them for 12 Wides. They will probably be here next week but I am hoping that the fit overall is better. The 13s were comfortable, but I noticed my foot shifting forward on steep descents and some heel slip while on steep inclines. Even with thick insoles, thick socks, and tieing in a multitude of ways, they just felt a bit loose. Hopefully the 12 wides work out, I will let you know. I sure hope they aren't too small :/
So , I've been wearing the Tibets all day for the last three and the heel rub has gone away. My whole foot has settled forward and my right toe is hitting the front of the boot . WTF ! Now that the uppers are breaking in my foot has centered on the arch. If the toe was 3/16" longer it would be good ....but it's not. I just don't know what to do now. Going to wear the Sassalongs next few days and break them in and see if they are better.