Lacing boots differently doesn't do jack for me. A shitty fitting boot is a shitty fitting boot. I had given up on all the hard sole, stiff, mountaineering boots. My experience this summer has taught me my feet F'n hate them. I've tried Kennetreks, Crispis, hanwags and some Meindl's. My heels look like the Lathrop and Sons ad. I finally said screw it and ordered Pronghorns from Lathrop. I know these boots work for my feet. If I have to buy a new pair every year, so be it. Well Lathrop called me becaue they were out of stock in what I ordered. Cabelas was also out until late August. So Lathrop switched me to a Lowa Khumbu II. This is a softer sole, tapered shank boot. The guy I talked to said a lot of people can't get those mt boots to work for their feet, and this boot seems to work for people like us. So we'll see, I should get them within a couple days.
There is no cure for heel slip, other than finding a boot that works for you...In my case, if the Khumbu's don't work for me, the old faithful Danner Pronghorns will be my answer to heel slip...