crrakcrrak is a SCAMMER!!!!

May 16, 2012
Fargo ND
In spite of knowing better I got hit. Overly trusting of fellow Rokslider. He was a member since 2019 with appropriate posts. Go figure you would be that patient to hit someone. AHHHHH!
For everyone's education. This had been a legit user that must have used the same user and passwords from a compromised site. This is another good reminder to use the 2 factor authentication. It's super easy to use. You can also select, "Trust this device." Once you do that you won't need to do it again on that device unless you log out.
For everyone's education. This had been a legit user that must have used the same user and passwords from a compromised site. This is another good reminder to use the 2 factor authentication. It's super easy to use. You can also select, "Trust this device." Once you do that you won't need to do it again on that device unless you log out.
Agreed. I think the long time members who scam people aren't the ones scamming, its just that their account got hacked.

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