First I’d like to thank
@Tahoe1305 and everyone else that let us use your optics.
I’d also like to mention the fact that I’m pretty inexperienced compared to the others at the review. I’ve been hunting for 6 years and have always had lower budget optics. I’m looking to upgrade to high end glass and wanted to take advantage of trying them in a realistic scenario without spending money on rentals. I’m by no means an expert on optics and just hoping that sharing my experience could help others in a similar situation as I am.
I was primarily comparing my Maven C3 10x50 to Swarovski SLC 15x56, NL 12x42, and EL 8x42 range. Using the resolution chart at 400 yards and the 3D archery buck at 1200 yard I could hardly differentiate between my maven and the EL ranges midday. I could cleanly see a few more resolution points at 400 and 600 yards (I couldn’t distinguish any points with the EL or C3 at this range) with the SLC and NL but I think this is primarily due to the extra magnification.
For most of the afternoon I was quite disappointed with the higher end optics. I had felt that my sub $509 binoculars were competing well with optics over $3k. The larger FOV and edge to edge clarity difference was significant but nothing that couldn’t be overcome by simply panning the tripod. The center of the C3 proved to be very good. The C3 fell behind in every category but it mostly wasn’t significant enough for me to justify the cost of upgrading. I’ll be quite confident having those in my truck knowing I have a very good backup optic going forward.
It wasn’t until the sun set behind the mountain that I could tell why people spend significant amounts of money on high end optics. Primarily comparing my C3 to the NL 12x42 the last hour I could see a significant degradation of resolution from my C3. The image seemed hazy in comparison despite the perfect weather conditions.. After about 3 hours of glassing I had to take a few seconds break every few minutes with the C3, but didn’t have to do that with the NL. I could clearly see into bushes (750-1000 yards away) with the NL while i could only see the cluster of bushes with my C3. The small differences became large, resulting in an overwhelming advantage to the NL. I understand that there’s a significant jump between the C3 and NL but I think the EL and SLC were much closer to the NL than the C3 in this regard.
While the SLC was my favorite from a resolution/magnification standpoint, I definitely want a solid low light and short range binocular as the FOV is too narrow for anything less than 1000 yards. If you are typically glassing around 1 mile or more than I think the 15x56 SLC would provide a solid advantage over the lower magnification optics. Some day I’d love to own one.
In the sunny conditions, the bino bandit was extremely helpful. It significantly reduced glare which helped with eye fatigue and honestly it felt like I could resolve the chart better with them on. This theory may have to be tested but for less than $20 it’s hard to not have one on your binoculars
Overall, I think there’s a significant advantage to high end binoculars when it comes to low light performance. This is when animals are on the move and when you need your optics to be performing best. I think the NL would be a poor financial decision at this time and plan to look at some binoculars in the $1500-2500 range. I really liked the EL range 8x42 and EL 12x50 and I think I’ll end up getting the EL 10x42.
As for spotting scopes, I plan to keep my Maven CS.1A. I’m not counting inches and just need it for getting a bit more magnification when a deer is just out of range and/or for judging antler frame. While it was definitely the worst spotting scope at the review it’s still decent enough for me. That being said, the ATC and new 66 Kowa were outstanding and one of the two would be my choice if I were upgrading.