Creepy experiences in the backcountry


Feb 6, 2016
I recently discovered this thread and just finished reading it in it’s entirety. I wish there were another 50 pages. Thanks to all for sharing. I don’t have any creepy stories to share and I’m good with that.


Oct 16, 2022
Virginia Beach VA
Nothing to do with backcountry but it's creepy. One morning I wake up early (for me) to odds sounds above my head. My mind is trying to make sense of the sounds as I transition from sleep to being awake. It sounds like an adult is walking in the attic. So much so that I thought perhaps the landlord was doing some sort of house work... Or hired someone to do something in the attic. It's 930am and sunny out. As I fully come to I hear the thud of what I make out to be adult male footsteps in the attic. Thing is. Only way into the attic is through my room...and the bedroom door is locked! WTF. I'm more awake now. Maybe I imagined the sound. Nope! I hear it again then it's moving and I hear it directly on the ceiling as if it missed a beam and I am fully expecting a person to crash through the ceiling! Only, there is nothing after that. Complete silence. I'm a but freaked out and leave the room. I go outside and inspect the roof area, and slats in the small vent windows.... This is a two story house in a nice area and well populated area. I see nothing out of the ordinary at all. Again, the most odd part is that the attic entry is in my room I was renting. There is no other way up. My mind races to fit the situation. Tree branches do break off and roll off the roof but it wasn't like that as what I heard was JUST above the ceiling and it was walking beam to beam until it slipped or.... Whatever. Nothing made sense. I had my pistol on me. I even contacted the owner who came over. We opened the attic and went up with a flashlight. We saw literally NOTHING. To this day I can't explain it. Whatever it was that made the noise had a HEFT to it like an adult human taking big steps on the beams. That was the only time that's ever happened. But damn... Sure sounded like a dude was up there and was about to crash through the ceiling! To this day I can't explain it.
Oct 27, 2018
Few weeks ago I connected on a bear, I could see it down in the meadow dead on a log. I was above it on a ridge and had to make it a mile around and down a drainage into the valley/shelf it was in. I get down there, drop by rifle at the entrance and get my pistol out. It’s dead, hasn’t moved in 20min as I was up high from the shooting location…but you never know so pistol is out and one in the chamber. As the scenery goes from “oh that’s an obvious spot to find it” to “why does nothing look the same” I’m running up and down these rolling shelf’s of scrub brush, trees and blueberries. As I’m transitioning through a brush fence into the next clearing, I’ve got my head kind of tucked down and using both arms to open the bushes in front of me. As I’m going through these two bushes I catch a glimpse of white fur under my boot as I’m stepping down. I short step and jump back. As I’m collecting myself for a split second I take a step forward and look down. Here sits this possum snarling at me with his mouth open. At first I’m thinking what’s this guy doing at 5000’, then think I could circle back around here and don’t need anything biting my boot. The .40 took care of that issue. Got my blood pumping for a second, almost stepped on it!
Mar 16, 2021
Western Iowa
Just returned from elk hunt in the Big Horns. On 2 different occasions last week, we had 2 sets of fresh lion tracks inside our own boot tracks when we walked out of the woods. One evening in particular, 3 of us swore we could hear low growling parallel to us just off the trail. Spooky stuff in the dark. Not sure if it was a momma and a kitten or a tom and a female.


Jun 16, 2022
Had an odd experience last fall in Bridger-Teton NF.. I took some friends out west on a road trip, no hunting just exploring. We had a friend fly in to Jackson Hole Airport and had managed to secure one of the dispersed sites in Spread Creek dispersed camping area before he landed. We pitched a tent and left to go pick our friend up from the airport. We had considered going up higher on the hill but changed our minds.

When we got back to camp, a nice size grizzly wandered out of the site we had claimed. We went to bed a little uneasy after the grizzly sighting, that was a first for most of us.

next day we were packing up to leave and the NF rangers came up the trail and told us the campground would be closed after we left, as there had been an "incident" and didn't go into any further detail.

Well turns out just on the other side of the ridge, that missing girl from the news last fall that made national headlines was located less than a 1/4 mile from the campsite we had been in.
Sep 7, 2018
Not as creepy as my other story but hunting this September we had a grizzly bear take a giant dump yards from our tiny backpacking tent. Definitely gets your blood pumping when you aren't used to those montana bears


Jun 3, 2021
I’ve been pretty lucky. Did come across a random Buddha head way back in the mountains. I assume someone got bored one day and hiked it in but it was odd to find it that far back.


Jun 21, 2022
Nothing to do with backcountry but it's creepy. One morning I wake up early (for me) to odds sounds above my head. My mind is trying to make sense of the sounds as I transition from sleep to being awake. It sounds like an adult is walking in the attic. So much so that I thought perhaps the landlord was doing some sort of house work... Or hired someone to do something in the attic. It's 930am and sunny out. As I fully come to I hear the thud of what I make out to be adult male footsteps in the attic. Thing is. Only way into the attic is through my room...and the bedroom door is locked! WTF. I'm more awake now. Maybe I imagined the sound. Nope! I hear it again then it's moving and I hear it directly on the ceiling as if it missed a beam and I am fully expecting a person to crash through the ceiling! Only, there is nothing after that. Complete silence. I'm a but freaked out and leave the room. I go outside and inspect the roof area, and slats in the small vent windows.... This is a two story house in a nice area and well populated area. I see nothing out of the ordinary at all. Again, the most odd part is that the attic entry is in my room I was renting. There is no other way up. My mind races to fit the situation. Tree branches do break off and roll off the roof but it wasn't like that as what I heard was JUST above the ceiling and it was walking beam to beam until it slipped or.... Whatever. Nothing made sense. I had my pistol on me. I even contacted the owner who came over. We opened the attic and went up with a flashlight. We saw literally NOTHING. To this day I can't explain it. Whatever it was that made the noise had a HEFT to it like an adult human taking big steps on the beams. That was the only time that's ever happened. But damn... Sure sounded like a dude was up there and was about to crash through the ceiling! To this day I can't explain it.
It was below you and your ears weren’t yet working directionally. It happens if you sleep on one side of your head.


Oct 16, 2022
Virginia Beach VA
It was below you and your ears weren’t yet working directionally. It happens if you sleep on one side of your head.

However, there was nobody else home at the time. House was empty except for myself.

So, I just recalled another sound incident in that house. One night prob between 1am-2am if I recall... I heard an EXTREMELY loud group of odd noises coming from below me which would be the garage. By loud, I mean next door neighbors I'm sure could have heard it. It was a series of electrical starts crossed with an alarm... Followed by a loud crash/thud. Like when a dryer buzz alarm alerts when it's finished only far far louder and a bit different. Well, the guy renting the other room also heard it. We went down to investigate. I expected to open the garage door to some sort of destruction. Nothing at all was out of place at all. The other guy was a seasoned HVAC dude. I asked him if he had any idea what that was. He didn't. We were both perplexed. For sure after the loud buzzing sequence we both heard and felt something hit the floor. We couldn't find anything out of place. This house isn't that old and was renovated a few yrs earlier. The house isn't creepy at all but I can't explain the noises I heard at all.
Dec 27, 2015
The closest I've come to aliens was deer hunting the late season in an unnamed Arizona mountain range. I'm in my glassing spot on top of a cliff and something weird caused me to look back toward the canyon on my left and there was a F18 no more than 50' away....I could see the pilot clear as day.

Right about the time I was thinking, Thats weird, how did he sneak up on me with no sound like that.....WHAM....the loud jet wash hit me like a ton of bricks blowing sand into me like buckshot.
A few years back, my son and I were shooting the NW Mountain Challenge 3D at Stevens Pass.
We were shooting the course that climbs up the Skyline chair and very close to the top when an F18 came straight over the peak at basically treetop level...Right over our heads and went ripping down the valley.
It was the coolest thing and we didn't hear anything until it was nearly right on top of us.
Dec 27, 2015
This isn't all that creepy, but more like weird and certainly, unexplainable, at least to me. Kinda follows Brancher's post above about a light.

This was just last week Wednesday during deer season at my farm in NE Missouri. It was around 5:30am, it was a super clear, cloudless sky with virtually no moon, just tons of stars. We had just pulled into a pasture area off an unlit gravel road a quarter mile or so from the ground blind we were going to hunt out of. We were at the back of my SUV with the hatchback closed, no lights on, and we were gathering our gear getting ready to start walking. All of a sudden there was this instant, gigantic flash of light right on us and around us, maybe literally only a fraction of a second in duration. It wasn't lightning, wasn't on the horizon or anything, just right ON us. As if an enormous camera flash was triggered on us. I'm not sure I've ever seen a light as bright and as quickly on and off as that was. We both looked at each other and said what the heck was that? Neither of us had or has any idea what that was. But I'm glad my buddy was there as a witness because I don't think anyone would believe it if I told them about it.

Any thoughts on what that could have been?
just guessing here...,earth's%20atmosphere%20like%20a%20prism.
Dec 27, 2015
remember this one. in my old stomping grounds -he hunted hunters

Thomas Lee Dillon (July 9, 1950[1][2] – October 21, 2011) was an American serial killer who shot and killed five men in southeastern Ohio, beginning April 1, 1989 and continuing until April 1992.[3]

Between the period of April 1, 1989 to April 5, 1992, Dillon shot and killed five people in Ohio. His fourth victim, Claude Hawkins, was shot on federal property and was the reason the FBI stepped in to join the investigation along with officers from the other three counties and the Ohio Department of Natural Resources. It was after this that the death of Kevin Loring was changed from an accident to a homicide.[citation needed]

Ten days after the task force meeting, Dillon would shoot his fifth victim, Gary Bradley, in Noble County, Ohio. Dillon was placed under surveillance in 1992 when a friend reported him after hearing the task force's initial press release concerning the murders. Larry Oller of Barnhill, Ohio was later shot at by Dillon while out hunting in Tuscarawas County, but he escaped uninjured
I went to school in Athens and there were some sketchy characters around there.
Don't get me started on the witchcraft and grow operations...
Jan 26, 2017
WA State
A few years back, my son and I were shooting the NW Mountain Challenge 3D at Stevens Pass.
We were shooting the course that climbs up the Skyline chair and very close to the top when an F18 came straight over the peak at basically treetop level...Right over our heads and went ripping down the valley.
It was the coolest thing and we didn't hear anything until it was nearly right on top of us.
I was up there as well. The Pure Elevation course, super cool to see.


Jun 21, 2022
However, there was nobody else home at the time. House was empty except for myself.

So, I just recalled another sound incident in that house. One night prob between 1am-2am if I recall... I heard an EXTREMELY loud group of odd noises coming from below me which would be the garage. By loud, I mean next door neighbors I'm sure could have heard it. It was a series of electrical starts crossed with an alarm... Followed by a loud crash/thud. Like when a dryer buzz alarm alerts when it's finished only far far louder and a bit different. Well, the guy renting the other room also heard it. We went down to investigate. I expected to open the garage door to some sort of destruction. Nothing at all was out of place at all. The other guy was a seasoned HVAC dude. I asked him if he had any idea what that was. He didn't. We were both perplexed. For sure after the loud buzzing sequence we both heard and felt something hit the floor. We couldn't find anything out of place. This house isn't that old and was renovated a few yrs earlier. The house isn't creepy at all but I can't explain the noises I heard at all.
You had a tunnel under your place. Or perhaps Both of your witnesses have a vested interest on the property…
Aug 6, 2016
Glassing for elk once, right as it was getting too dark to see, I looked down to see what I thought was a mouse crawling up my leg. I thought, look at this crazy thing crawling up my leg. Until it crested my knee, and I could tell it was clearly not a mouse.

It was a camel spider. First one I’ve ever seen. And it freaked me OUT. I swatted it off and decided it was time to leave. Hiked out and then drove to a place where I had reception to see if google could tell me what the heck it was.

Google camel spider… just so you know, they’re harmless. Except in low light and crawling up your leg.