Creepy experiences in the backcountry


Aug 28, 2018
Recently watched a movie available on Amazon Prime Video called Missing 411-The Hunted. It is about a series of unexplained missing hunter stories from different areas in the US. It was actually pretty good...and a little creepy. Based on a book from a series of missing person stories by investigative author Dave Paulides. He is a former police detective and has researched hundreds and hundreds of missing person cases in depth. I was googling each of the missing hunter stories as I was watching the movie and they are all bona fide unsolved cases. If you’re a twitchy person when it comes to stuff like this, I don’t recommend watching it until after your upcoming solo hunt...

I have read about 4 of the books that he has written. There are some stories that have the potential to kee ya out of the woods for sure...
Apr 17, 2018
Found a deep freezer once that was buried in the middle of nowhere. Some critters had dug the dirt off the top. No roads to get it in there, lid was closed, didn’t look like it had been there too long. Did not open the lid.

Thank god, had a few ppl die about 15 years ago in our National Forest here when they opened freezers they found in the woods. Scumbags around here put the bi product of making meth in those, then when you open the freezer the contents react with oxygen and kill you. Pretty area but we got drugs all over these backwoods.
Apr 17, 2018
Walked into a trip wire set up on an old grow site. Chest high. Looked over to see whatever it was hooked to at eye level. Slooooowly backed out and went around. Found the grow site below a spring in the desert above the wire.

Smoke if you want, grow if you must, but it's a piece of garbage that sets up trip wires and leaves trash on public land for their dope habit. Would have like to put a boot in whoever's ass was responsible for that.

Or a nosler partition either or.


Dec 10, 2019
I wish I had never clicked on this thread. I just looked at the map on the documentary and there is a big red bubble over one of the places I like to go. I will attempt to forget I ever saw this and go back to blissful ignorance.
Apr 17, 2018
I wish I had never clicked on this thread. I just looked at the map on the documentary and there is a big red bubble over one of the places I like to go. I will attempt to forget I ever saw this and go back to blissful ignorance.

If you start researching or you end up having something creepy happen to you, you won’t view the woods the same way.


Feb 1, 2020
Me and a buddy in high school used to Whitetail hunt on a few islands. Years before we ever hunted it a guy died out there, tripped and fell on a beaver cut tree. The island was known for big deer but we had it all to ourselves for several years. Slowly people started trickling back out there to hunt again. We had found a couple nice bucks that year and we didn't want the new guys to see them. We went to walmart and bought 2 Halloween skeletons and made a couple nooses, drug them out to that island and hung them up about 15ft in 2 trees. The guys quit coming to the island to hunt and the rumors of the skeletons hanging on that island still float around the town 25 years later. People still think its haunted.
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Jun 30, 2016
If you start researching or you end up having something creepy happen to you, you won’t view the woods the same way.
I was just about to hit y'all up to see if y'all were following this. I guess if you leave out Sasquatch people are ok talking about unexplained experiences in the woods

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Apr 8, 2014

Last year in NM deer hunting, at camp 2am this woke me up and it got closer and closer, making this noise every 5 minutes or so until it stopped about 50 yards from my camp, at the time I didn’t know what it was, a witch was all that was in my mind

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Heard that bowhuntingvin me WI, and saw the cat that fall. Nobody believed me until they ran it with hounds that winter. Up until the the DNR denied they existed in WI.
Nov 19, 2018
North Pole, Alaska
Year and years ago I was hunting pheasants with a co-worker who was a slightly odd dude. I felt sorry for him so I invited him out to hunt. He lived with his mom; in his late 20's-early 30's type guy. Intelligent by very social awkward. I was 18 years old at the time.

Anyway I was walking a huge span of railroad tracks that had an easement through this property of rice fields I had permission to hunt. 4 train track wide so it was about 50 yds to the other side of the tracks that the rice field started again.

I was walking pushing cover on my side hoping to flush a ring neck or two out. Came upon an underpass drainage ditch from one rice field to the other that had a bum sleeping and he came busting out of his drunken haze. Startled me big time! The bum dashed across the tracks headed to where this co-worker who was paralleling the tracks pushing cover along the way on his side of the tracks. The bum was stumbling all the way cutting across the tracks but in somewhat of a hurry slurring and cursing me for waking him up (he lived under a railroad track which was funny at the time I waking him about the trains running over his "bed" every few hours 24/7).

I could see this drunken bum pass next to this co-worker and continue on headed behind him and most likely into another culvert sleeping area for him about a qtr mile back.

Well anyway the easement ended and this co-worker and I met up about a mile down from this bum encounter. I kind of chuckled and said "hey what did you think of the drunken bum, he scared the crap out of me when he flushed out of that drainage ditch and headed your way" This co-worker with the most serious look/believable tone said to me "I was going to kill that bum but I thought you'd tell on me"

This co-worker had drove us out to this property I had permission to hunt on and that was the most creepy car ride back to home after hearing him say he wanted to kill that bum. I never worked with that dude again. Gave me the creeps just telling the story which happened close to 30 years ago.


Feb 1, 2020
Year and years ago I was hunting pheasants with a co-worker who was a slightly odd dude. I felt sorry for him so I invited him out to hunt. He lived with his mom; in his late 20's-early 30's type guy. Intelligent by very social awkward. I was 18 years old at the time.

Anyway I was walking a huge span of railroad tracks that had an easement through this property of rice fields I had permission to hunt. 4 train track wide so it was about 50 yds to the other side of the tracks that the rice field started again.

I was walking pushing cover on my side hoping to flush a ring neck or two out. Came upon an underpass drainage ditch from one rice field to the other that had a bum sleeping and he came busting out of his drunken haze. Startled me big time! The bum dashed across the tracks headed to where this co-worker who was paralleling the tracks pushing cover along the way on his side of the tracks. The bum was stumbling all the way cutting across the tracks but in somewhat of a hurry slurring and cursing me for waking him up (he lived under a railroad track which was funny at the time I waking him about the trains running over his "bed" every few hours 24/7).

I could see this drunken bum pass next to this co-worker and continue on headed behind him and most likely into another culvert sleeping area for him about a qtr mile back.

Well anyway the easement ended and this co-worker and I met up about a mile down from this bum encounter. I kind of chuckled and said "hey what did you think of the drunken bum, he scared the crap out of me when he flushed out of that drainage ditch and headed your way" This co-worker with the most serious look/believable tone said to me "I was going to kill that bum but I thought you'd tell on me"

This co-worker had drove us out to this property I had permission to hunt on and that was the most creepy car ride back to home after hearing him say he wanted to kill that bum. I never worked with that dude again. Gave me the creeps just telling the story which happened close to 30 years ago.

Would you have told on him? That's the question. I'd go on a guided bum hunt


Jul 2, 2016
Recently watched a movie available on Amazon Prime Video called Missing 411-The Hunted. It is about a series of unexplained missing hunter stories from different areas in the US. It was actually pretty good...and a little creepy. Based on a book from a series of missing person stories by investigative author Dave Paulides. He is a former police detective and has researched hundreds and hundreds of missing person cases in depth. I was googling each of the missing hunter stories as I was watching the movie and they are all bona fide unsolved cases. If you’re a twitchy person when it comes to stuff like this, I don’t recommend watching it until after your upcoming solo hunt...

That story of the Crazy mountains in montana creeped me out.


Feb 24, 2012
western wa
I was watching what I thought was two satellites or flying stars flying parallel with each other one night and all of a sudden they both turned at 90 degrees and were gone instantly. Not sure what it was but that was the weirdest thing I have ever seen.


Mar 4, 2016
Sandy UT
Aug 10, 2019
Lowcountry, SC

Last year in NM deer hunting, at camp 2am this woke me up and it got closer and closer, making this noise every 5 minutes or so until it stopped about 50 yards from my camp, at the time I didn’t know what it was, a witch was all that was in my mind

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Yes, it is a really creepy and scary sound. As a teenager I lived in a canyon on the Mokelumne river and heard one screaming as she ran through the canyon and past our cabin at night. I literally imagined a witch flying past on a broom, or an old Gold Rush prostitute's ghost wailing away her troubled past.


Sep 11, 2015
South Dakota
First year in Idaho walking out of a canyon we heard a mountain lion screaming and didnt know what it was but it felt like it was right on top of us. I heard my buddy behind me unclip his holster I stopped made him walk in front as i didnt want to take a 10mm to the back he was already jumpy thinking bears were going to eat us
Aug 22, 2019
these were like bright stars hovering them moving in circles trading places with each other.
I've seen lights move steadily one direction, than suddenly reverse direction, repeatedly. Occasionally one light would pass up another.

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