Creepy experiences in the backcountry


Jul 2, 2016
This happened to to around 1999 or 2000, late fall/early winter. My now ex wife and I were living in a farm house in southern Oregon (Klamath Falls) while in college. We had just gotten home and needed to let the dog out to pee (it was pitch black out/but don't remember specific time)

I let Henry out (basically a blind/deaf basset hound) and he took off running around the back of the house. I told my ex, go around to the front of the house and I'll go this way and bring him back. I'm calling for him and nothing I continue walking around the house and come to the eastern side and I find Henry standing there, hackles up and growling..I look up and no more than 8-10 feet from me is an all black figure about my size (5'11/6ft) standing quick as I saw it -- it turns and goes to the front of the house and turns the corner...I go hauling butt as my wife is up I round the corner and ask where did that man go?? She said what man?

It wasn't until after the event that I remembered it didn't make any noise walking through the dried leaves on the ground. I don't remember anything specific body feature wise... other than you could see the it was blacker than the night, I could tell where head/shoulders were but nothing else stood out.

Another interesting fact I didn't know until years later. My encounter took place outside the extra bedroom where my boys slept. I would alway find them in the living room in the mornings but never knew why and they were too little to really explain it? They told me..something in that room always creeped us out so we felt better in the living room.

sounds like a shadow person, I hate those things.


Oct 5, 2018
I saw a German witch.

In the early 2000’s I was in the Army and stationed in Germany. There was a forest near our barracks called the Lampertheim Training Area (LTA). Our unit frequently went out to the LTA for land navigation training, shooting rifles at the rifle ranges, running, ruck marches, … There was a rumor occasionally spoken in the battalion about a witch that lived in the woods. Her nickname was the LTA Witch. I don’t think anyone believed the story. It was just a story that circulated around the battalion. Anyway, one night after finishing a night fire at the LTA rifle range a buddy of mine and I were sitting in a deuce and half waiting to pick up soldiers who finished so we could drive them back to the barracks, and all of a sudden we see this old lady with long grey hair and her arms straight out dancing in a circle. It was almost pitch black and were in the middle of a forest with gun fire in the background. She had long frizzy grey hair. She eventually danced off into the pitch black woods alone. My buddy and I never felt scared. We sat there and stared for the whole 5 minutes this lasted. Didn’t say a word until she was gone. There are some weird people who live homeless and alone out in the woods no matter where you are in the world. We told other soldiers in our unit we saw the witch. I don’t think anyone believed us.
Here is where it happened. 49.594974, 8.545677
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Lark Bunting

Mar 8, 2018
I've got nothing on most of these stories but this is my fun little encounter from a few years ago. I was on a solo elk hunt, which during the day I don't mind at all. I actually really enjoy being in the woods alone while hunting. However, I'm not a fan of being alone in camp at night. I had hunted until dark and wasn't too far from camp. With dinner done I was about to build a small fire and read a book. This particular evening it had started sprinkling rain right as I gathered wood for the fire so I decided to go into the tent and read in my sleeping bag. After an hour or so I found myself dozing off, when I heard something. My cot was up against the side of the tent and it sounded like it was right outside my tent, near my head. I grabbed my headlamp as quietly as I could and found my gun next to my bed. About that time I heard whatever this was scratching on the tent. Again, I'm not a fan of camping alone as it is and the adrenaline rush had my senses on overdrive. Whatever was out there was scratching, scratching, scratching...and I could actually see the tent moving, inward as if something was pushing on the sidewall, 12" from where my head had been laying!

I mustered up the last bit of testosterone I had left in my shriveled up sack and decided I'd punch whatever was out there the next time it indented the tent. Here it comes...scratch...the tent bulged ever so slightly inward, and I threw a punch! All I heard was a mouse screech and go flying into the woods! A damn mouse was trying to run up the side of my dang tent! I still laugh at myself for my over-reaction but I really enjoyed telling my kids about that adventure when I was home.

Spike elk

Jun 17, 2012
Probably a decade or more we had packed an elk camp in with horses and were archery hunting elk. The whole area has since burned. We were chasing some bugles and were following an old trail through some thick stuff next to a stream when we came to a small clearing. In the clearing was a round table made from a very large tree with several chairs around it made from smaller logs. Here we are in a place that we figured not too many people had been and we stumbled on that. I took a pic with my old school digital camera but have no idea what happened to it. I remember that the workmanship was pretty solid. Somebody had spent some time on it. It wasn't just a surprise to see something like that but it was the feeling that made the hair stand up on the back of your neck that I didn't appreciate. Weird stuff.


Jan 28, 2019
Lake Country MN, Transplant from ID
This one isn't as cool as some of the others but it sure freaked me out. We live pretty deep in the woods up in Northern MN. Our property borders a huge section of Chippewa National Forest about 4 miles west of town. I've seen a few coyotes, wolves and black bears around but I was never really worried about it since we keep our garbage locked up in the garage.

One night last summer I was taking my greyhound out for the evening routine. I had my head lamp on low. I walked back about 20 yards to the spot she usually goes and I get this weird feeling that something was watching me. The woods were dead quiet. I turn my head to the left and about 10 feet from me is a freakishly large set of yellowish eyes starting at me with it's head low to the ground. They were forward facing so I knew it had to of been a predator.

We faced off for a few seconds while I stood there in bewilderment trying to process what this thing was. I finally reacted and kind of scream yelled at it to get out of there. I sounded like I was still going through puberty for a second lol. It turned and just kind of jogged away while I ran back to the house with my dog in tow. I was shocked by how quiet it was when it ran off. I don't think my dog even knew it was there.

My headlamp was on to low of a setting for me to make out the body but I'm convinced it was a rather large black bear. I probably scared him just as bad as he scared me with my squeak yell but man I got the adrenaline shakes for a bit after it happened. I had a mountain lion encounter last fall in North Idaho and it didn't put me on edge as much as this one did. Probably the darkness factor.
Sep 8, 2014
Front Range, Colorado
This one isn't as cool as some of the others but it sure freaked me out. We live pretty deep in the woods up in Northern MN. Our property borders a huge section of Chippewa National Forest about 4 miles west of town. I've seen a few coyotes, wolves and black bears around but I was never really worried about it since we keep our garbage locked up in the garage.

One night last summer I was taking my greyhound out for the evening routine. I had my head lamp on low. I walked back about 20 yards to the spot she usually goes and I get this weird feeling that something was watching me. The woods were dead quiet. I turn my head to the left and about 10 feet from me is a freakishly large set of yellowish eyes starting at me with it's head low to the ground. They were forward facing so I knew it had to of been a predator.

We faced off for a few seconds while I stood there in bewilderment trying to process what this thing was. I finally reacted and kind of scream yelled at it to get out of there. I sounded like I was still going through puberty for a second lol. It turned and just kind of jogged away while I ran back to the house with my dog in tow. I was shocked by how quiet it was when it ran off. I don't think my dog even knew it was there.

My headlamp was on to low of a setting for me to make out the body but I'm convinced it was a rather large black bear. I probably scared him just as bad as he scared me with my squeak yell but man I got the adrenaline shakes for a bit after it happened. I had a mountain lion encounter last fall in North Idaho and it didn't put me on edge as much as this one did. Probably the darkness factor.
I think you're right about it being a bear, their eye shine is bright yellow.


May 12, 2020
Mesa, Arizona
Mine isn't paranormal but I've never been more creeped out in the woods in my life as when I went bow hunting in the Wisconsin North Woods last fall. The guy who owned the place said there were wolves in the area but being from the South I've never seen them or thought much of them. Then about sundown I heard a wolf howl, that one soon turned into about a dozen. I had to walk about a mile back to the farm, in unfamiliar woods, knowing these apex dudes are out there and there was nothing I could do about it if they wanted me for a snack.


Jul 31, 2016
Not creepy but nasty, this spring while turkey hunting in SE Missouri. I came sneaking up a log road no less than 4 miles from a gravel road. I rounded a bend and there was a skinny guy getting busy with a 350 pound land whale. they were between me and where I wanted to go, so I backed off, gave a few yelps then walked back up the road. He had put his clothes back on, and she was strutting around w no shirt on. As I walked past and gave the good morning, both asked if I was turkey hunting. I responded with Well yes I was. He offered me a beer and she wanted to know if I needed a ride. I responded with no thank you and went on my way.


Jun 14, 2019
Not creepy but nasty, this spring while turkey hunting in SE Missouri. I came sneaking up a log road no less than 4 miles from a gravel road. I rounded a bend and there was a skinny guy getting busy with a 350 pound land whale. they were between me and where I wanted to go, so I backed off, gave a few yelps then walked back up the road. He had put his clothes back on, and she was strutting around w no shirt on. As I walked past and gave the good morning, both asked if I was turkey hunting. I responded with Well yes I was. He offered me a beer and she wanted to know if I needed a ride. I responded with no thank you and went on my way.
Must have been humpback land whale.


Dec 22, 2019
Southern Idaho
This one isn't as cool as some of the others but it sure freaked me out. We live pretty deep in the woods up in Northern MN. Our property borders a huge section of Chippewa National Forest about 4 miles west of town. I've seen a few coyotes, wolves and black bears around but I was never really worried about it since we keep our garbage locked up in the garage.

One night last summer I was taking my greyhound out for the evening routine. I had my head lamp on low. I walked back about 20 yards to the spot she usually goes and I get this weird feeling that something was watching me. The woods were dead quiet. I turn my head to the left and about 10 feet from me is a freakishly large set of yellowish eyes starting at me with it's head low to the ground. They were forward facing so I knew it had to of been a predator.

We faced off for a few seconds while I stood there in bewilderment trying to process what this thing was. I finally reacted and kind of scream yelled at it to get out of there. I sounded like I was still going through puberty for a second lol. It turned and just kind of jogged away while I ran back to the house with my dog in tow. I was shocked by how quiet it was when it ran off. I don't think my dog even knew it was there.

My headlamp was on to low of a setting for me to make out the body but I'm convinced it was a rather large black bear. I probably scared him just as bad as he scared me with my squeak yell but man I got the adrenaline shakes for a bit after it happened. I had a mountain lion encounter last fall in North Idaho and it didn't put me on edge as much as this one did. Probably the darkness factor.
I have had that same feeling multiple times. Only I’ve never been able to actually see the said creature. Which obviously means it is just me freaking myself out... Or possibly there is something encoded in our brains that alerts us to threats. Still can’t decide which one.


Super Moderator
Staff member
Jul 30, 2015
Palmer, AK
The other night my daughters (9 & 11) went to the bear bait stand with me. We floated the canoe up to the shoreline to grab the game camera and as we did the big target boar (easy 8-1/2’ grizz) came lumbering down the hill from about 30 yards. I quickly pushed back away from the shore but not fast enough that he didn’t see us. He woofed and trotted up the hill away from us. We circled around to the other side of the channel and waited from about 200 yards. The kids pulled out a woobie and laid down to mess around on my phone while I watched the opposing shoreline. Roughly 20 minutes into the wait, I heard the faint sound of small twig break behind us. I clicked the safety off the gun and stepped in front of the girls. Another grizz had snuck in on us to about 20 yards. It never made a sound and reluctantly backed away when my oldest started yelling to shoot it. Due to the trees I couldn't see it but the girls could being lower to the ground. As I stood guard the girls packed our things as fast as possible. I walked backwards with the girls leading the way to the canoe and we hopped in. Safely back on the water a flood of emotions overcame the youngest, she was not impressed! Equally unimpressed was my oldest when I announced we were going home, she wanted to stay and try for the big boy. The damage was done and I wanted to get my youngest out of there before she was scarred for life haha.

Target boar.

This is the one that snuck up on us.
Apr 22, 2012
Chugiak, Alaska
Not creepy but nasty, this spring while turkey hunting in SE Missouri. I came sneaking up a log road no less than 4 miles from a gravel road. I rounded a bend and there was a skinny guy getting busy with a 350 pound land whale. they were between me and where I wanted to go, so I backed off, gave a few yelps then walked back up the road. He had put his clothes back on, and she was strutting around w no shirt on. As I walked past and gave the good morning, both asked if I was turkey hunting. I responded with Well yes I was. He offered me a beer and she wanted to know if I needed a ride. I responded with no thank you and went on my way.

Really, you turned down a free beer? You’re a better man than me.

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