Creepy experiences in the backcountry

Oct 5, 2018
This here is personal to me because i saw it with my two naked eyes.... Some Kinda Hybrid Wolf its as big as a lion but a wolf. It saw me first i believe but i quickly noticed it sniffing..It was so damn big to be a wolf but yet is. I tried to aim at it but couldn't get a clear shot.
Haha yeah, what? Aside from aiming a weapon at something that you haven't even positively identified...what?
Oct 4, 2013
A few of the posts on the last page turned up another memory. I didn't think of it before because it's not really back country but rather remote rural. Probably 1989/90.
Me and and my buddy were small-mouth fishing in a relatively small stream and having a good morning. We had parked at a road side pull out and hit the water just as it was getting light. Absorbed by the good fishing we just kept wading upstream catching fish. We knew where we were and we knew it wasn't far to a road. but we had gone almost two miles from the truck.

Casting into a promising hole and a loud shot rings out up the hill and maybe 50 yards downstream. We look at each other surprised but are not overly concerned because there are people living in the area. We were confirming with each other that we heard a snap-pause-boom and thought is was a muzzle loader shot. Just then another muzzle loader shot rings out just up the hill and maybe 50 yards upstream and this time we could hear the bullet fly through the woods along the creek headed toward the location of the first shot. Now we looked at each other with a WTF? look in our eyes. And before we could do anything there is another shot from the location of the first and we hear the round headed toward the location of the second. And we hear it ricochet off a branch just before it explodes a rock right across the creek from us. We didn't need to look at each other anymore as we high tailed it up the bank and toward the road. We may even have jogged down the road a little before stopping to discuss being caught in Hatfield-McCoy crossfire.

We decided not to fish anymore and started hoofing it toward the truck. With about a mile of dirt road to go we round a bend and see a house ahead, with someone sitting on the porch. We politely smile, wave and say hello to the young lady as we get close. She never changes her expression as she sits between two baskets snapping beans and she says '"You two look like nice men. Would you like to help me snap my beans?"....We politely declined and picked up our pace......


Apr 2, 2020
Central Washington
Recently watched a movie available on Amazon Prime Video called Missing 411-The Hunted. It is about a series of unexplained missing hunter stories from different areas in the US. It was actually pretty good...and a little creepy. Based on a book from a series of missing person stories by investigative author Dave Paulides. He is a former police detective and has researched hundreds and hundreds of missing person cases in depth. I was googling each of the missing hunter stories as I was watching the movie and they are all bona fide unsolved cases. If you’re a twitchy person when it comes to stuff like this, I don’t recommend watching it until after your upcoming solo hunt...
Now I have to watch it!
Nov 29, 2017
SE Idaho
Didn’t happen to me, but I remember a story my dad telling me about a time elk hunting the Bob Marshall wilderness in MT. I guess when they were in town prior to getting into their hunting spot they were talking to a group of researchers doing some work on problem grizzlies that were being moved into the Bob.

Evidently when they were being moved, the biologists were taking hair, teeth, and other samples prior to release. This was in the days before they were completely knocking animals out to do this stuff, so they were just using muscle relaxers. So these grizzlies were well aware of what was being done and the pain probably associated with yanking a tooth of two while wide awake. After release, the biologists would go up in planes to track the collars and relocate some of the bears and do additional tests or tracking of some sort.

Fast forward a few days later- my dad and his buddies are out in the black timber hunting and all of a sudden, a plane starts circling directly above them. And did so for a while. Haha. They don’t know if the guys were doing it to mess with them, or if there were actually grizzlies in the same timber patches that probably weren’t too fond of humans.


Feb 2, 2017
Not exactly back country, but a few years back noticed an out of state vehicle parked along the road we took in to set elk camp. It was there for about 9 days or so when we passed it one more time still in same place, just yards down the road picked up the smell of something dead as we drove to czmp.
On a trip back to town came across a ground of search and rescue folks where the vehicle had been parked. Found out when we got to town they found a young man who had driven from Florida to that area and killed himself with a shotgun.
So glad we didn't stop and investigate that dead smell, spouse usually likes to investigate dead smells, another hunter found his body not far from the vehicle on the mountainside.
Feb 10, 2017
Yeah, I was born and raised north of Paulding a ways. Went there once with friends. I was a skeptical tough guy...but I still do t know what the heck those lights are. Are definitely not car lights reflecting , etc like some say . No way possible for that. Oh well, there's a lot out there we know nothing about!
I've gone a couple times in my day and have no answer for what it is. I don't buy the "lights from cars off the highway," nor the "swamp gas build-up."


Dec 26, 2016
Redfield, South Dakota
This is probably my favorite unexpected thread.

Has anyone seen the movie "Bone Tomahawk" on Netflix? If you haven't, put the kids to bed and watch that shit immediately! Has the goriest and craziest kill scene I've
ever witnessed and I enjoy really dark movies lol

Thank me (or hate me) later!

No joke there, that kill scene is straight up brutal. I love those types of movies (minus that scene haha)


Apr 27, 2020
SE Idaho
Three days ago a bit north of Idaho Falls was out driving with my wife through the dessert, came to the end of a little dirt road and decided to hope out to hike a bit. Saw what looked like a pattern in the dirt made of rocks, and when I looked closer it was like 8 or so concentric rings of rocks, the biggest probably 100 feet across, clearly took someone a good long while to make it. Started getting that "something isn't right feeling" but ignored it and started walking closer. There was a path lined with rocks to the center, and at the entrance to it two skulls, looked like cattle at first glance, but at that point I wasn't getting any closer. Real quick we headed out from there and found somewhere else to hike. Definitely not was I was expecting to find out there and my wife is still getting weird feelings about that place.
Apr 17, 2018
This is probably my favorite unexpected thread.

Has anyone seen the movie "Bone Tomahawk" on Netflix? If you haven't, put the kids to bed and watch that shit immediately! Has the goriest and craziest kill scene I've ever witnessed and I enjoy really dark movies lol

Thank me (or hate me) later!

its one hell of a western too like one of if not the greatest blend of western and horror
Jun 11, 2017
we used to watch those on an almost nightly basis when I lived in Leadville back ~ 20 years ago. Things moving so fast and changing directions so quickly, no plane that I know of could do that.
So, I also lived in Leadville exactly the time that thinhorn lived there. I had a 8’x4’ skylight above my bed and cannot tell you how many nights I saw the same thing. I PM’d him last night to confirm. Sh!T was just amazing.

1. One night camping in a wash near lukeville, az our group heard many footsteps coming our way in the moonlight. I raised my old buck black handle and glinted the moonlight light off of it. The desired effect was reached when I heard the footsteps stop suddenly with a very loud, “aye dios mio” directly after. About a hundred folks booked it back to the border that night.
2. Sorry, long story - I had single-lunged a good 4x deer north of Durango, CO . I needed to track it for about 2 miles in a really badly timed snowstorm. The deers path had passed my truck closely, so I shed just about everything I had to go super light with only a headlamp and camelback. I knew when I found the deer it would be dead if I found it. I started a grid search. I stumbled upon a sow bear digging in a kind of swampy bench thing for something I couldn’t make out even though I was 20 yards away. She had her back to me and I slinked below her and around regaining my contour, thinking that was a close one.
after a few yards I found a big fresh drag in the aspens, leading downhill. It was pretty big, but I didn’t put the pieces together immediately and continued to contour. I hit a creek, moved downhill and started the next contour. About At the fall line of the drag From before I came across a huge Downed fir root ball that I could hop up on and get a great viewpoint. As soon as I jumped up on the log, a lion sunk down facing me at the end of the downed log. Holy sh!t 20 yards away! I Slowly opened my jacket and fanned the sides out to get as “big” as possible. We locked eyes so hard for 5 minutes that I didn’t even see the 4X that the cat had dragged down the mtn right next to it, uphill of the log. I broke a couple of the rootball branches off and started beating the log with them making all kinds of f’d up noises. The cat is growling and I though this is it. Then what really scared me, was that I looked up hill of the log I was standing on and there was deer fawn covered up and cached right at my feet! So, double F’d I guess. After 20 mins of this “Unforgiven” stand-off, I finally eased off the log, in full eye contact, and literally did 360’s off the mtn, yelling and beating every tree and rock I could with those sticks. Scared Sh!tless.
I still have those Bear-Cat sticks hanging above the wood stove and I carry a glock 19 now.
3. In CO. Guiding from a spot we called the gun turret, I was looking down on my fellow guides clients and noticed a Lion about 50 yards behind one of them, stalking. I called TJ on the radio and said “you’ve got a lion 40 yards behind the young guy.” TJ walked over and yelled at his boy. The guy literally stood up, turned around and, not holding his firearm, took a picture of the cat! The cat sunk like the one I described above, and then TJ through a couple 45 rounds at it and it booked.
I got to watch it all from my safe perch on the hill.
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Sep 25, 2017
This here is personal to me because i saw it with my two naked eyes.... Some Kinda Hybrid Wolf its as big as a lion but a wolf. It saw me first i believe but i quickly noticed it sniffing..It was so damn big to be a wolf but yet is. I tried to aim at it but couldn't get a clear shot.
Superbeast? Hell yeah! Was it the one that you wanted?


Jan 12, 2020


Found this thing hanging deep inside the San Carlos Apache reservation while on a fishing trip. We pulled in late at night and when our headlights shined on it in the middle of nowhere, it was pretty creepy.

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May 24, 2020
Ive read all of these stories and have found some very intriguing
I have a few of these mysterious tales to tale but not all at once
Probably the most alarming incident has to be an experience I had about 20 years ago
I had scouted out a new piece of property to hunt and found a good place to hang a stand
So I left the place alone for a couple days to let everything settle from me tromping around in there
I came back to hunt about an hour before daybreak and just about the time I could see my surroundings something lets out this roar, bellow, growl …...obviously this put me on high alert because I never heard anything like this in my life and grew up in very rural Alabama where if you heard a car coming they were either lost or coming to see you.
This thing was so close I could actually feel the sound coming from it. I was scanning all my surroundings and could see nothing but I knew this thing was looking at me. I have to say I don't scare easy and I don't let my mind play tricks on me but I always rationalize and find an explanation for things.
I can honestly say my hair was on end the whole time this was happening and when it was completely daylight I climbed down from my stand and went home
I didn't say anything to anyone for a couple weeks until my Brother calls me late one evening
He asks if I'm hunting this property that I'd told him about and I said yes but I hadn't been there in a while
He tells me he's surveying the big valley that goes through there and he hears this sound maybe 1/4 mile from him and they guy helping him. I ask if it sounded like this and I repeated the sound I heard he replied how did you know so I told him what happened at that time
He told me when he heard it he just looked at the guy helping him and said " don't tell me what you think that is lets just get our gear and go"
I have no idea what this was but I do know it was something I've never heard before