I agree with this. Hunters are less relevant than they think in terms of peripheral revenue. The ORV crowd seems to think the same way. Silverton recently voted to eliminate ORV traffic on city streets altogether after a 7 year experiment with allowing it. If you read the comments from the ORV crowd, they think that this city will go bankrupt within a year. Never mind the fact that there is an infinite amount of jeep enthusiasts to immediately replace the SxS, the town is developing a serious amount new Mtn bike trails and the D&S dumps up to 1500 people a day upon the town throughout the summer. (Also, the SxS user group just sucks).
Anyway, look at the overall tourism revenue: fall leaf peepers, hot springs resorts, a ski season that goes from Oct thru May, Mtn bike tourism, RD cycling, ORVs, backpackers, river sports, motorcycles (non helmet state), dirt bikes, climbers, RVers, van lifers, paddleboarders…. The list goes on and on. There’s no hunting season open in Durango at this moment and every hits room in town is booked solid as I type this.