CPW Decisions Today

But this will cut the number of max point holders getting drawn every year in the pref draw by half. Some number of them will then draw in the bonus. But it will increase creep at the top. Don’t you think?
Only for those units which really only effects a minority of point holders.
I am glad to see it is based on Residency........

IMHO that's a major win for NR for sure and most don't even know it.

What I wonder is how many will hold out waiting, assuming this would apply after the leftovers are available for returned tags?
As a NR I completely agree!
As a resident this is a terrible idea, CO already treats residents like crap. Use points for an A list OTC hunt or sit out?

Currently I get to hunt 1 week in a mediocre unit each year and every 3-4 years hunt a decent unit during 1st rifle.

How many weeks of deer hunting and how many tags do you get in your home state?
What does the once in a lifetime tag for sheep or goat do to someone who pulled a tag 20+ years ago and has been buying say sheep points for last 20 years??

I have a friend in this position with sheep. He got a sheep years ago, but has 20-21 points as a resident and stands to pull another tag in next few years. Sorry if this has already been asked.
What does the once in a lifetime tag for sheep or goat do to someone who pulled a tag 20+ years ago and has been buying say sheep points for last 20 years??

I have a friend in this position with sheep. He got a sheep years ago, but has 20-21 points as a resident and stands to pull another tag in next few years. Sorry if this has already been asked.

I’m assuming the OIL goes into affect with the changes, and anybody who has taken a ram is essentially grandfathered in on their past ram and could still get one (and only one) after 2028.

I don’t know that factually but it only makes sense unless they start sending out checks for points people have purchased which I really doubt would happen.
As a resident this is a terrible idea, CO already treats residents like crap. Use points for an A list OTC hunt or sit out?

Currently I get to hunt 1 week in a mediocre unit each year and every 3-4 years hunt a decent unit during 1st rifle.

How many weeks of deer hunting and how many tags do you get in your home state?
That’s not what it says, it says if you get a tag you use points. It’s your choice if you want to hunt every year or sit out to build points, resident or not, residents can easily have a tag in hand every year.

In my state once I draw a bull elk tag I’m done for life, so one time opportunity.

For deer NR get a pretty easy draw for deer in my state, in CO 0pt units hold big bucks, if your hunting a mediocre unit that’s on you. I would never build more then 2pts for deer in CO and that only happens because I would rather elk hunt and not have 2 tags.
What does the once in a lifetime tag for sheep or goat do to someone who pulled a tag 20+ years ago and has been buying say sheep points for last 20 years??

I have a friend in this position with sheep. He got a sheep years ago, but has 20-21 points as a resident and stands to pull another tag in next few years. Sorry if this has already been asked.
The draw change update linked in post #106 says that the once in a lifetime harvest change is not retroactive and only applies to license holders moving forward. To me that means that your friend will be able to draw another tag, however, if he harvests one in 2028 or afterwards then it will count as his OIL.
Curious how the 50/50 split is going to breakdown. Let's say there are 10 tags. 2 go to Landowners, which leaves 8 for the main draw. 6 res tags 2 non res tags. Are the first 4 tags going to the highest point holders regardless of residency or will they split the tags 50/50 by residency also?

As of right now the hybrid draw only works for residents. If they keep it the same 2 of the 8 tags will probably go to non res PP, 2 to res PP, and 4 to res BP. Which will increase res point creep even more on high point units and not change a thing on the non res side.

And no I did not listen to the 7 hour presentation.
After thinking about this I believe it's going to make it way harder to get a tag versus the current system. I don't usually apply for elk. I've killed some big bulls and elk hunting doesn't interest me that much. I get points every year for when I do decide I want to go. I apply my dad, wife, and kid the same way.

In 2028 we will be applying for actual tags. I know multiple people that hunt deer there regularly but not elk. They build points like we have though. Now we are all going to start applying for tags. I bet there are people that do the same for deer. They mainly elk hunt and grab deer points just in case.

I throw out hail marys every year in states. I'll be able to start doing the same in Colorado.

One of those hail marys that paid off.
My bull.jpg
Curious how the 50/50 split is going to breakdown. Let's say there are 10 tags. 2 go to Landowners, which leaves 8 for the main draw. 6 res tags 2 non res tags. Are the first 4 tags going to the highest point holders regardless of residency or will they split the tags 50/50 by residency also?

As of right now the hybrid draw only works for residents. If they keep it the same 2 of the 8 tags will probably go to non res PP, 2 to res PP, and 4 to res BP. Which will increase res point creep even more on high point units and not change a thing on the non res side.

And no I did not listen to the 7 hour presentation.
I believe the 50/50 will apply by residency, and like said above if the tags can’t be split evenly then the odd tag would go to the preference point side.

I ran some rough math and I’m not sure it’s gonna be all rainbows and ponies especially on the non-res side. I ran some rough calcs on what would be considered about the 3rd ish best archery elk tag in the state and came up with .2% odds per point held using last years app numbers, and that more then likely is going to get really watered down when “point only” guys start jumping in for a chance.

A First rifle tag that Res can draw with 3 points I figured on the non-res side at 1.06% per point held, and just taking the number of applicants who were over pointed and would take half the tags with the new system it would jump by 3 points in the preference side (using last years odds)

On pretty easy to draw tags on the resident side I could see a situation where the odds aren’t bad but if your somewhat unlucky you could be waiting 4 years for a tag that’s taking 2 now.

My math could be wayyyyy off too LOL.
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But it says that you still have the opportunity to decline before being reissued the tag. If I’m reading it correctly.
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Does this take effect 2028?
I hope you are correct.

But they might just be referencing the fact that you can uncheck the box all year long. But, the auto-reissue, once it happens, might be quick and automatic. No opt out once the tag is available?
I hope you are correct.

But they might just be referencing the fact that you can uncheck the box all year long. But, the auto-reissue, once it happens, might be quick and automatic. No opt out once the tag is available?
The reissue sounds like it will be automatic.

Does anyone know when to expect them to release the quotas for the new "-V1A" non-res archery hunts? aka when do they normally release the updated quotas for the coming year, the March Commission Mtg? Seems like they've created the hunt codes and decided how to split up the OTC units, just haven't assigned tag #s to each yet. I'm definitely interested to see how they spread all the tags out.

Does anyone know when to expect them to release the quotas for the new "-V1A" non-res archery hunts? aka when do they normally release the updated quotas for the coming year, the March Commission Mtg? Seems like they've created the hunt codes and decided how to split up the OTC units, just haven't assigned tag #s to each yet. I'm definitely interested to see how they spread all the tags out.

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Tag allotments always come out a couple weeks after the application deadline