So, you are working to reduce your own opportunities to hunt every year, because you can't draw the best tags in the state? I don't love the current PP system, would rather see something like a weighted draw for the top tier units, so there is at least some chance of drawing them for anyone, but some of your ideas would hurt opportunity for everyone, so I have a hard time agreeing with them. Ask any resident hunter, of any western state, if they want to see reduced opportunity for residents, so that nonresidents can have a better chance at drawing a premium units, and you will have a hard no. There are plenty of premium units that have much lower draw requirements for cows, or later season hunts, so if people just want to hunt the unit, they can always pull one of these tags. So maybe you can't hunt an early rifle bull tag, but you can certainly hunt a 2nd to 3rd rifle bull or cow tag with far fewer points.
My big problem with some of your ideas, in particular the "burn all points on any tag" idea, is that this unfairly penalizes people who have been saving for years to have a chance to MAYBE hunt a top tier premium unit, by making them cash out their years of buy in (points) into the system for a 3rd rifle cow tag with a 5% success rate.... Just so YOU can have a better chance of drawing the premium tag sooner. Plain and simple, residents should have a better chance of drawing the best tags in their home state, the best way to ensure this is the current preference point system, which while it may seen unfair to someone who hasn't been buying into the system for years, is what those of us who have been paying in for years have accepted. Me accumulating points, as my choice, to save for a guaranteed hunt (once in my life) for a specific unit, does nothing to affect your opportunity.
I hunt 2nd choice tags (often cows) or occasionally leftovers (for very low success units - also typically cows) and kill elk every year, through hard work scouting and learning less desirable units. I rarely hunt OTC, except archery, because I do the research to find lower success units that I can succeed in consistently. I rarely see other hunters during OTC archery, except at the trailhead, because I do the work to find unpressured places, where I can find elk, and get away from people. So, OTC vs non-OTC really doesn't impact my (or YOUR) ability to find and kill elk. I kill 6 x 6 bulls in junk units, because I work hard, not because of some unfair draw system, because these are 2nd choice tags, which ANYONE, resident or non can draw at 2nd choice with NO points. I analyze the odds to find these units, again, putting in work to create opportunity. I do all this work, while quietly accumulating my points for my once every 10 years chance to be picky, and maybe shoot a 320+ bull, instead of a 260 bull.
I want everyone to have the chance to hunt elk, it's awesome, and don't want to see Colorado end up like most of the other Western states, which I would love to hunt, but will probably never be able to, other than for less than premium hunts, such as a doe whitetail, or doe antelope in Wyoming, due to how restrictive and expensive their tags are. So, as a resident, I am asking you, as a non-resident to think really hard about your concerted efforts to reduce opportunity for residents, which is what it appears you are trying to do, so that non-residents can have better odds at the best units, because there is currently absolutely NO reason you can't hunt and kill an elk on a 2nd choice or leftover tag, every single year, under the current system. It may not be a "Look at me" 340+ bull to show off on social media, but it is an opportunity, and hard work can yield results, whether it is cow meat in the freezer, or a respectable bull (which, as hard as elk hunting can be, is honestly any bull - one that I am most proud of is a tiny 3x4, the first elk I harvested with my bow - because of how hard I worked to kill that bull - years of effort to learn an OTC unit) for the wall.