Coyote, Deer, Elk, Bear Rifle

The 6.5 will have less wind drift than the .243.
No, no it won't. 243 using 105 hyb at 3050 fps VS your typical Tikka 65cm load at 2720fps with a 140, same wind. Cept at 700y the 243 is still 200fps faster. The 243 is easier to shoot as well. A 243 can push the 105s faster, and if you go 7.5tw, there are a lot better bullets than the 105. Unfortunately, Tikka barrels are notoriously slow, especially if you start shortening them. You have to dump rl26 in em to get the velocity that normal powders get in a quality cut rifle tube. Yes they do last a long time tho.
Op should buy a quality barrel and have a smith fit to his Tikka 308 action in 243 or 6cm 7.5tw, and shoot 108 Berger, 109 eldm, or 112 match burners at 2950-3050 fps, all totally doable from a 22" barrel at moderate psi levels. Buy an action wrench and a barrel vise, torque wrench, and have your own switch barrel setup.
Not trying to start anything. Actually, I’m always trying to learn. Possibly I’mmistaken. is your contention about the 243 vs the 6.5 based on actual shooting in the field, or at the range, or on a ballistics program.
Not trying to start anything. Actually, I’m always trying to learn. Possibly I’mmistaken. is your contention about the 243 vs the 6.5 based on actual shooting in the field, or at the range, or on a ballistics program.
Ballistics, wez analysis, recoil, all that. I've always felt bullets perform the best ballistcally when they are leaving at a mv of 2950-3050. A 65cm just can't do ti. Especially in a shorter barrel. With 130s, it's better but then you start losing the BC advantage. To properly run a 140 2900+ you get into short magnums. Big jump in recoil, component consumption and reduced barrel life. Take a 109 eld or 108 elite hunter 295 g7 or a 112 match burner 308g7. These bullets don't have much issue getting 2950-3050 from 22" barrels. These will hold the same wind as a 156 Berger running 2800+ mv. I have a 20" 65cm that I can run 156s at 2750 w/ rl26 in lapua brass also have a 22" 6cm with 109s at 3080 w/ rl26. Suppressed, the 6 is far more shootable. I mean an 8 year old could shoot it all day, the 65 is much more punchy in the same setup.