Avoid any and everything on the internet for health with the exception of Mayo clinic fo general info. Consult your doctor. Go to ER if you get short of breath.
Use internet to read stuff that makes you happy and keep you in good spirits. Watch funny movies and such.
I hope you get better. Rest and fluids are always suggested by any healthcare professional. Gatorade is nice for replenishing electrolytes and such.
We had Covid go through our house last Nov - me, my wife (noth in our 50s), dad, mom, and our son (18). Dad and mom are in their mid-70s with multiple pre-existing health conditions that put them at high risk. Fortunately for us, I have a friend who is a doctor and was willing to help us get some medications unlike Mayo.
We typically go to the Mayo clinic and for the most part, our experience has been excellent. But with respect to Covid, the Mayo clinic is the LAST healthcare provider I would recommend. We contacted our doctor there and his smug Ef'ing response was don't believe what you read on the internet. They told us to take tylenol and go the the ER if conditions worsen - keep in mind they didn't say what those conditions were. The infection control nurse was equally as pathetically useless. Under no condition would I recommend anyone go to the Mayo clinic for Covid advice.
Fortunately for us, we had a family friend and business colleague who is an MD. The #1 thing that must be done is treat the symptoms as early as possible. The medical directive of waiting to see how a person gets through it is as about as stupid as it gets. Get on it early with treatments. He got us on a regimen of the following:
Quercetin, Zinc, vitamin D, B12, and Doxycyclene
For my parents, they got the above and also got Ivermectin.
There are peer reviewed, university written medical studies available now that show the effectiveness of the above regimen.
Everyone in the house was better from Covid in <5 days, nothing serious except with my wife who hers turned into pneumonia. She was better in about 8 days. Both of my parents were better in <3 days, and they were high risk. I have absolutely ZERO doubt that had we followed advice from Mayo, both of my parents would have been in the ER and may not have made it through given their pre-existing health conditions.
My advice after having gone through this is - go see your doctor. If your doctor doesn't give you a treatment therapy regimen (ie medicine) to get through it,
FIND ANOTHER DOCTOR. Mayo is great for surgeries and cancer treatments, etc. I've had 2 surgeries with them in the last 9 months which were fantastic. With respect to Covid, I would avoid them at all costs.
Under no circumstances would I recommend going to Mayo for Covid 19. There are treatment therapies out now that are proven to help reduce the effects of Covid 19. Getting them going as early in the process as possible is the #1 most critical thing a person can do.