Covid antibody advantages by eating venison ?

Is that an actual fact or just an educated opinion? Is 'developing" antibodies the only way to have them in your blood? Asking both questions because I don't know. Eating other proteins from animals are easily absorbed and bioavailable. Wonder why not an antibody protein?

First off our anatomy would have to be close enough for a deer antibody to work in the human immune system.. it is not. If it was there would be tons of research being done on deer in order to cure human illnesses. Can you lead to any at all?

Second, you would have to assume the antibody would be able to survive the gastric system and to be absorbed through the intestinal membrane and make it in the blood system.

Third, antibodies are destroyed at temps over 150 degrees farenheit.
A little off topic . There is something called Alpha-gal syndrome where some people develope mammal meat allergy after various tick bites . Hives or worse after eating steak would suck ! Not sure about venison and covid ? Defer to rokslide onstaff immunologist .
An infection caused by a tick bite that activates alpha gal syndrome in a person is not the same mechnism that would somehow transfer antibodies from a deer to a human.
My venison spaghetti is going on tomorrow, I will just pretend it helps with antibodies, make your tongue beat your brains out.
First off our anatomy would have to be close enough for a deer antibody to work in the human immune system.. it is not. If it was there would be tons of research being done on deer in order to cure human illnesses. Can you lead to any at all?

Second, you would have to assume the antibody would be able to survive the gastric system and to be absorbed through the intestinal membrane and make it in the blood system.

Third, antibodies are destroyed at temps over 150 degrees farenheit.
A little off topic . There is something called Alpha-gal syndrome where some people develope mammal meat allergy after various tick bites . Hives or worse after eating steak would suck ! Not sure about venison and covid ? Defer to rokslide onstaff immunologist .
Yes, I have a niece with that syndrome but I don't think it is a permanent issue, typically.
Believe what you want to believe. Just curious what studies you are reviewing too and always use the CRAAP test with research articles. But no, you are not getting antibodies of another creature from eating their meat, that’s not how our body or immune system works. This is not an educated guess, this is from education. Just my 2 cents.
The first time we got the vid, I was loading everyone in my house up on venison and greens - not for antibodies though, for iron.
One things for sure. Covid has definitely exposed the ignorance of the average person out there in society. I mean from how Vaccines work (they never have nor can they now prevent you from spreading something to another person if you’re exposed), germ theory (a simple mask will prevent you from spreading/contracting viruses), to things like eating certain meats will help build immunity somehow.

It’s certainly been an interesting and enlightening couple of years.
I eat a steady diet of venison. Not much chicken, pork or beef. I don't know about the antibody thing but I never got covid. Pretty much everyone else I know had it one time or twice.
I had Covid early on, tried to convince the wife I now had antibodies and would be happy to share 5 or 6 nights a week, maybe a couple mornings too. Turns out she had a headache and said “I’ll just wait for the vaccine”…