couple rookie questions


Feb 28, 2012
my buddy and I are going on our first elk hunt, backpacking in for 7 days in Colorado unit 7/ Rawah wilderness.

through this site and the western AT forum and calling CO parks/fish and game i have probably spent 100's of hours taking notes, so that we can survive and give our selves the best chance to harvest an elk as first timers.

just had a couple questions i couldn't find readily available.

1. do people in CO hang up all your food every night? i realize you want trash kept away and hung up but i have read some people like to heat up breakfast from their bag?

2. do you guys hunt your way to your pre-determined spike camp? say stop in some good looking areas and do a couple call sets? or just get where you've already decided to go? were going about 3 miles with about 1 mile on a hiking trail.

any other pointers are welcome! and again thanks to this site and all its contributors, its great tool for a newbie!!
1. I can't answer for Colorado but in Alaska nobody hangs food up unless it is going to be left at a base camp and they are spiking out somewhere for days. We just keep clean camps and keep the trash separate from your food and gear. At night most of us keep our food in our tent, under the vestibule, or close to the tent. During the day when not in camp we normally set the food out a little bit from the tent or any gear just to keep small critters from chewing through your gear to get to the food. Ground squirrels and mice will wreck havoc on gear to get food.

2. I always try and glass on my way to my camp in any likely spots. Got no idea about calling though.

Good luck and hope you all have a fun time out there in the mountains!

You didn't mention it, but if this is going to be your first backpacking trip you should definitely take a shakedown trip sometime really soon to make sure everything works as you expect it to, get a chance to try out that new stove, learn how to set up your shelter, figure out what a good campsite (or a bad campsite) looks like, if the amount of food you are taking is going to be enough and if you can really eat Mountain House meals for several days straight, etc. You don't want to be figuring it all out when you are on your hunt and 5-10 miles from your vehicle.

1. i don't worry about hanging food unless it isn't sealed up good and tight

2. always glass likely areas but also need to consider how far out of your way you're going to do so, if close, for sure....but if you're most confident in the area you want to get to and these areas are going to tire you out before you get to where you really want to be, have to make a decision on what spot you think is better or just pick a couple to glass along the way
I keep my food in my tents vestibule, just keep all of your food sealed in bags. I don't worry about bears too much. I say that but I also sleep with a loaded .40 Cal. If you are going in 3 miles stop and glass on your way in, no point in going 3 miles in if you are seeing bucks at the 2 mile mark. One more thing, if you set a camp at your pre picked 3 mile spot and do not turn up many animals move your camp and hunting area either farther into the wilderness or have a plan B spot. Too many people set their plans on one spot and then do not move camp after a couple days of not seeing any animals. If you are willing to relocate due to lack of critters you will be successful.
TK, Glad to hear you are jumping in and going for it. First thing about elk hunting I have learned is dont pass by elk when you know where they are. They will move several miles so they may be close to the trail head or maybe further than your camp. But if I find them thats where I start as they will be moving all season. Bear will usually leave your stuff alone if you leave plenty of your scent and keep a clean camp. I wish you luck with your first elk hunt, be careful your probably going to be addicted for life now!
Thanks for all the input guys! i can tell you that gear research and hunt planning has already got me pretty addicted/pumped, alot different than planning a whitetail hunt around a few different hundred acre farms.

I'm taking my video cam. and digiscope setup (thanks again!) so hopefully ill have some good pictures/video or at least a good story come the end of September.
1: NO

2: Pack in about 5ish miles, set up camp. Hunt up to about 2 miles from that camp. Havn't needed to move yet but will if I have to.