Cost of DIY New Mexico Antelope?

What do you think is the lowest amount you will spend on a DYI New Mexico 3 day antelope hunt?

Here is what I spent Leaving from Arkansas.
Tag and license $352.00
Gas $365.00
Dry Ice for meat and cape $20.00
1 Night motel $80.00
So a total of $817.00 is about as cheap as it can be done. Of course after 4 days of camping I felt a night to clean up and rest before the drive home was well worth the $80.00
Hunting is getting expensive even on your own.
That's expensive to you?
I’m still looking for a small group to diy in NM or do it solo

When is the next deadline to attempt to get a permit
Sorry for the long read but here's the plan. I’ve shot 4 or 5 really nice antelope over the past 15 years and use to have a lease in Wyoming so I’m a little spoiled and addicted to looking for the above average pronghorn or go home empty handed. I have an outfitter friend of mine in NM and I’m going solo next year 2026 with a rifle so the plan is to put in for the draw and with his outfitter # and the areas he will put me in for there are fairly good odds to draw that will make the hunt cheap in my book, but if not, I am going to buy a landowner tag from him. I like the landowner tag option cause I want to know I’m going for sure then I don’t juggle vacation time around at work or get disappointed cause I didn’t draw. He has tons of private ground. We will hunt for the biggest bucks on the ranch from daylight till dark and spend the first couple days looking for a giant (85’). If we don’t find a giant, we still have a really good chance on the last day to catch up with one of the 78-80” that you passed on those first couple days. You're welcome to join in it’s not a dirt-cheap hunt but your hunting private ground in NM and probably going to shoot a great pronghorn. I’ll hunt this way for a few years till I get the points to draw a Wyoming tag again then that hunt will be cheap. He has access to a ton of ground. PM me for more info
What do you think is the lowest amount you will spend on a DYI New Mexico 3 day antelope hunt?

Here is what I spent Leaving from Arkansas.
Tag and license $352.00
Gas $365.00
Dry Ice for meat and cape $20.00
1 Night motel $80.00
So a total of $817.00 is about as cheap as it can be done. Of course after 4 days of camping I felt a night to clean up and rest before the drive home was well worth the $80.00
Hunting is getting expensive even on your own.
Guess "expensive" is relative. To me, that's dirt cheap for an out of state big game hunt. I'd guessed $2000-$2500 at a minimum.
That's an awesome buck with a bow for sure and a sweet mount. I don't hunt a lot of pubic but if you're on private ground you usually see quite a few like that in NM in my opinion Wyoming which is where I hunted quite a few times has gone severely downhill for antelope.