Cost of DIY New Mexico Antelope?

I drew a tag 5 years ago in New Mexico. Living in Texas so it’s close.

350 for tag and license
200 for fuel
150 for food and beer
800 for pedestal mount after successful

No hotel, we processed our own meat and camped on public. 1500 for a 5 day hunt and a priceless trophy antelope with my bow.



What do you think is the lowest amount you will spend on a DYI New Mexico 3 day antelope hunt?

Here is what I spent Leaving from Arkansas.
Tag and license $352.00
Gas $365.00
Dry Ice for meat and cape $20.00
1 Night motel $80.00
So a total of $817.00 is about as cheap as it can be done. Of course after 4 days of camping I felt a night to clean up and rest before the drive home was well worth the $80.00
Hunting is getting expensive even on your own.
That's expensive to you?