Considering moving before my Fiancee and I plant roots.


Apr 24, 2020
Looking at moving out west somewhere closer to like minded people where I can hunt, shoot, hike and fish. I am a Union electrician apprentice in my 3rd year and she works as a data analyst for the local university. We have always lived in the Fingerlakes region of NY but just looking at moving to a better area before having kids with everything the politicians keep doing in NY to hurt the working class people and the atmosphere. Just looking for ideas of areas and such. Thanks
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Electrician and Data Analyst, take your pick: Colorado, Utah, Wyoming, Idaho, Montana, and Alaska. CO would be the most expensive out of those, but tons of work opps.
Looking at moving out west somewhere closer to like minded people where I can hunt, shoot, hike and fish. I am a Union electrician apprentice in my 3rd year and she works as a data analyst for the local university. We have always lived in the Fingerlakes region of NY but just looking at moving to a better area before having kids with everything the politicians keep doing in NY to hurt the working class people and the atmosphere. Just looking for ideas of areas and such. Thanks
The mountain states are getting extremely expensive. There are jobs because most people can’t afford to live out here anymore. I’d say find a place you can afford to buy a house and go from there. In my opinion there is a housing bubble going on out here. Look at some of the recent housing data. Boise is the #1 overpriced housing market in North America. Ogden Utah is in the top 5 with many other western mountain states in the mix. I’d go to Alaska and never look back.
After observing my nephew and his wife over the first 6 or so years of their marriage the best advice I can offer you is don't view your move as a one and done deal. Pick some place, move there, and if it isn't what you want move somewhere else. My nephew and his wife are having the time of their lives. I wish I had had their attitude and spirit of adventure when I was young. In summary....go for it.
I never thought I'd leave but between taxes increasing, bail reform, safe act and they keep closing correctional facilities because everyone is "rehabilitated." The rest of NY I'd starting to turn into a shit show just like the city
if you plan on kids, don’t discount the impact of not having family when the time comes. And actually not just kids. When your (or her) folks are old, you will need to be more involved in their care than you think. It’s very difficult to manage estates and budgets and long term care from 3000 miles away - ask me how I know…

Then again, you’ve got one life to live - live it
I'd find a quiet town in the Midwest where cost of living is low and where residents can buy general deer tags. Having a guaranteed deer tag is often better than what you'll get as a resident in a state where you are reliant on draw applications. The savings you make can be applied to better investments and better vacations. Living in the west is becoming expensive, crowded, and as said before, not a guarantee you are around like minded people.
Me and my now wife wanted to experience living somewhere new before life changed drastically with kids. So we decided to move to Alaska for a year. That was 8 years ago. Now that we have kids, we can't find enough reasons to leave that outweigh the reasons to stay. There is just no place like AK to raise kids.

If not wanting to leave the L48, the midwest for me. The people are the salt of the earth and hunting and fishing is incredibly underrated. And you're striking distance to an annual mtn hunting trip if that's your thing.
This is not what you were asking about, but if I were doing it all over again and my younger life went down the same path I would have looked to the south as in South Carolina, Tennessee, or Kentucky. We watch those home shows on TV and they get down in that country and start talking homes with land and the amount of acreage and the size of the homes for what we can buy a 900 sq ft fixer upper on a city lot.
You should seriously consider the 4 corners area. Go for a visit in both middle of summer and middle of winter and see if you like the terrain and weather.
I have a friend who is the foreman at an electrical shop in Northern NM and can give you a referral. They, like most electrical shops, are hiring.
If not now, when? Don't be looking back years down the road and have to say, we should have... Regarding the housing bubble, maybe rent until there is a correction.

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Another vote for Nebraska! Central/western NE more specifically. I grew up there and now live in eastern Nebraska but wouldn't hesitate to move back. Lower cost of living, good people, good work opportunities, low crime and you're only a 5 hour drive to the mountains (depending on where).