Consensus on 156 Berger’s?


Oct 10, 2020
From people’s killing experience with the 156 Berger’s, what’s your thoughts on the performance? Also, if you have some lower impact velocity kills/wound pics that would be helpful also.

Considering trying them for the season, or at least a few hunts anyways. Starting with TX aoudad in 2 weeks.
I'm 3 for 3 with them. Two close range front/quartering two kills on bull elk and one ~450 yard kill on a mule deer. Bullet performed as expected on all three as far as I could tell. I have a larger sample size on the 140s and have had strong results with those as well.
I watched a buddy go 2/2 on a black bear at 890 yards from a 6.5prc. Bear was dead. Gutless method, but there were exit wounds and broken bones.
My brother is 2/2 with a buck and a bull from a prc. Internal damage was intense, external damage was minimal to non existent. That result makes sense with the hollow point purpose being a few inches of penetration to a wide balloon of cavity, and no large exit pieces. He did hit the femur on the bull, and that snapped it clean with some fragments cutting the artery there. The follow up smashed the broadside lungs. The bull was 315yds and the buck was 120ish.

I learned from the Berger person at WHCE that the VLD hunt (secant ogive) bullets would expand more rapidly than the elite/classic hunters (hybrid ogive) because the design forces a slightly thinner jacket up front in the former. My dad has shot a handful of animals with a 140vldh from a creedmoor, and his wounds have been large enough to create much bigger entry/exits compared to the above.
They shoot LASERS out of my 6.5 PRC. I haven’t shot any live critters yet, but I will hunt with these this year. I hunted 147 ELDM all last year and everything I shot (5 deer, 10+ pigs, couple of coyotes) was bang flop. I’m switching to Berger because it grouped about 15% better out of my rifle and I can actually reuse the brass. I’ll also be shooting the NRL stuff with Berger this year.

If Berger will get it together, my backup rifle is a custom 7PRC that I’d love to switch over as well. Just waiting on them!

20” carbon Bartlein running 2745fps and an SD of 6 for anyone who’s curious. Not half bad for factory!


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Appreciate all the feedback so far!! I think I’m going to like them. Berger’s always shoot excellent for me also. I’ll be pushing them 3100-3200
Side note. The last aoudad I shot was with a Berger bullet (168, if memory serves) from a 7 REM Mag at like 350yds. Shot it bedded, it jumped up and ran 10 yards head first into a tree and tipped over.

I don’t have any internal pics but if you shoot me your number on DM I’ll send video.


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They are a great bullet. Remember, they are tough little bullets with a 4-6" neck length if they miss bone on impact.
They are a great bullet. Remember, they are tough little bullets with a 4-6" neck length if they miss bone on impact.
Yeah that’s kind of what I’m expecting, but just know some “same style” bullets act differently than others in different calibers. I’d be totally content with a 4” neck length and hand grenade after that.
I'm 3 for 3 with them. Two close range front/quartering two kills on bull elk and one ~450 yard kill on a mule deer. Bullet performed as expected on all three as far as I could tell. I have a larger sample size on the 140s and have had strong results with those as well.
Two close range frontal bulls is a good testament for sure!
I had used bergers exclusively in all my rifles for many years.
The only problem I’ve ever had was with the 156 out of a 6.5 PRC 2900 MV.
I had used that combo on a few deer and a few cow elk without issue.
In WY antelope hunting a hit a doe 4 times from 585 yards to 550 yards. She finally died and upon skinning I found 4 entrance and 4 exits that were bullet sized.
I inspected the next few rounds from my ammo box and a few of them had clogged tips. I have heard mixed theories on tips being clogged having any affect so I’m just not sure if that was the problem or not. I never had a problem with many kills with bergers before that and maybe the antelope being smaller than a mulie or cow didn’t give the 156 enough time to open?
Regardess, the next fall I killed a bull at 885 with the same set up and it absolutely destroyed the vitals taking out the top of the heart and both lungs.
Overall I find more accuracy and accurate BC’s with bergers so I will continue to use them.
I had used bergers exclusively in all my rifles for many years.
The only problem I’ve ever had was with the 156 out of a 6.5 PRC 2900 MV.
I had used that combo on a few deer and a few cow elk without issue.
In WY antelope hunting a hit a doe 4 times from 585 yards to 550 yards. She finally died and upon skinning I found 4 entrance and 4 exits that were bullet sized.
I inspected the next few rounds from my ammo box and a few of them had clogged tips. I have heard mixed theories on tips being clogged having any affect so I’m just not sure if that was the problem or not. I never had a problem with many kills with bergers before that and maybe the antelope being smaller than a mulie or cow didn’t give the 156 enough time to open?
Regardess, the next fall I killed a bull at 885 with the same set up and it absolutely destroyed the vitals taking out the top of the heart and both lungs.
Overall I find more accuracy and accurate BC’s with bergers so I will continue to use them.
Appreciate the info!! I do trim my Berger tips (mostly an OCD thing) which opens them up nicely and provides a consistent, exposed hollow point. They are definitely more consistent down range than other bullets. I love the killing of ELDM’s, but Berger’s always seem to outshoot them, especially at distance.
They should be straight up killers. I haven't had the chance to shoot an animal with one yet, but they've shot well in my 6.5 Sherman. I'll probably get around to loading them in my 6.5 PRC sometime. The factory Berger ammo wasn't super stellar (~1 MOA) for the price, but I'm sure they'd do better as handloads.

Interested to see your report soon!
Appreciate the info!! I do trim my Berger tips (mostly an OCD thing) which opens them up nicely and provides a consistent, exposed hollow point. They are definitely more consistent down range than other bullets. I love the killing of ELDM’s, but Berger’s always seem to outshoot them, especially at distance.
What are you using to trim your tips? I go thru all mine and make sure they are open, but it might be better just to true them all up like you do.
What are you using to trim your tips? I go thru all mine and make sure they are open, but it might be better just to true them all up like you do.
Shit I’ll have to look when I get home. But it’s super simple and makes them look flawless. Maybe 8 seconds per bullet.
Appreciate all the feedback so far!! I think I’m going to like them. Berger’s always shoot excellent for me also. I’ll be pushing them 3100-3200
I took a frontal shot on an antelope at 225 yards, 3150MV and the internal results were devastating. Dumped him where he stood. Completely destroyed the sternum and found fragments back into the diaphragm.


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