Strange. I’ve spent around 150 nights in my Davis wall tent over the past 12 years. I’ve burned wood almost every one of those nights in my Davis Summit stove, with a spark arrestor. There’s not one hole in my tent’s canvas roof.
I looked into the Davis Tent stove after reading this post, and now I am pretty fascinated by this stove. It is not a “Pretty stove” but wow they designed it with some utility aspects that are impressive, and can explain you not having burn holes in your tent after 12 years. Again, as far as aesthetics go the spark arrestor looks so cheesy, yet as far as functionality goes OMG it FINALLY looks like tight enough mesh, I have been rolling my eyes for awhile at how loose the meshing is on almost every hot tent stove that I see. The Nomad View for example is so pretty!! But look at its spark arrestor, it looks like you can squeeze a freaking golf ball through it!
Also unlike a pretty stove like the Nomad View with its gorgeous transparent gas…these Davis stoves have a very conveniently installable and replacement baffle that causes efficient reburn. I have seen a reburn baffle on a tent stove before (the RBM Caminus stoves), however the Caminus baffles are fixed, you can’t replace it if it warps over time. Hell I don’t even think you can get a good look at it.
Damn the Davis stove baffle is a simple replacement accessory, and a reburn baffle is one of the most likely failure points over time in a wood stove because they take so much direct heat. I’m really impressed with this simple & sweet pure utility stove! So I just watched the video on the Davis baffle, the lower plate is HUGE, it’s blocking the primary combustion a lot…much larger than the removable baffle plate on the Pomoly titanium stove (relative to its size). Although I will give credit where credit is due at least the Pomoly has a removable baffle plate. Nomad doesn’t. Gstove doesn’t.
Damn I’m half tempted to buy one of these ugly bastards just because of how impressed I am with it…yet I probably won’t because I already bought one that is a bit higher end with secondary burning.