Compton Traditional Bowhunters

Mar 8, 2013
Hey all! Compton Traditional Bowhunters came up in another thread, and not wanting to totally Hijack that thread, I'm starting a new one.

Curious how many Roksliders are Compton Members? If so, why? If not, why not?

I am a long time life member and currently sit on the Board of Directors. One of the reasons i got on the board was wanting to help Comptons grow membership out west.

I'm here if you guys have questions about the organization.


Chris Jasmine
I’m also a lifetime member and part of the board of directors. I joined years ago to support traditional archery. After attending my first Rendezvous and seeing how everyone was so weloming and the organizations focus on kids, I decided to run for the board to keep that up. My kids have shot bows as soon as they could stand.

Like Chris said, if you have any questions feel free to hit me up here or give me a call.
Andy Ponce
503 881-4963

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I’m also a lifetime member and part of the board of directors. I joined years ago to support traditional archery. After attending my first Rendezvous and seeing how everyone was so weloming and the organizations focus on kids, I decided to run for the board to keep that up. My kids have shot bows as soon as they could stand.

Like Chris said, if you have any questions feel free to hit me up here or give me a call.

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Good intentions, but you really shouldn’t leave personal information with photos of yourself on these forums. Scammers can see this forever. You should be able to edit it out if you’re quick enough.
Can you talk about what all is included in an Annual Membership?
Yes sir. You receive all communications around events and happenings of the club. You get a quarterly, full color magazine called "A walk in the woods". Recieve Compton swag of some sort (sticker, patch, etc). You can vote on our board of directors each year to help guide the direction of the organization. We also have many drawings and giveaways throughout the year as well.

But more importantly you can help us with your membership fees to promote, preserve, protect and perpetuate hunting with traditional archery gear

One of many ways we use membership dues is to support our Youth program that ships many bows yearly to youth groups who want to explore traditional archery. Additionally we have a Traditional Hunt Comitee that is actively pursuing and protecting both bowhunters rights and traditional bowhunting opportunities.

Hope that helps!
What is Comptons?
Do they influence the Game depts on hunting rights and seasons?
We do through our Tradtional Hunt Comittee. This committee focuses on expanding traditional bowhunting opportunities like we see in Oregon, and looks for new opportunities.

For an example just this year (after several years of work) we helped get the first "restrictive weapons hunt" in place in Utah. This special hunt will only allow the use of traditional bows during the archery season and looks to show state wildlife agencies that by limiting technology in hunting, you can increase hunter opportunity with no negative impact to the resource.

We hope the Utah trial can help other states see the benefit in more primitive weapons types as a way for state agencies to get more creative with harvest quotas and hunter opportunities.
Life member from very early on. Did not miss a rendezvous for the first 20 years.Not very active anymore.
Awesome! Not sure if you've caught word of it, but this year is the last year of the Rendezvous in Michigan. 2026 will be a new location. It's been a good run at Berrien Springs but 2026 will open a new chapter for the Rendezvous! Hope to see you back sometime!
I’ve been an “Annual Member” for quite a few years….not sure how many but this years membership expires in April so I should probably just get a Lifetime membership. Last summer was my first rendezvous at Berrien Springs. I tried for several years to attend and something always came up last minute that kept me from going. Except the year that my daughter was born during the rendezvous…she just could t wait another week!
Plan on joining and am going to try to make it to the rendezvous this year. Just getting into trad archery full time. Thanks.
Yes sir. You receive all communications around events and happenings of the club. You get a quarterly, full color magazine called "A walk in the woods". Recieve Compton swag of some sort (sticker, patch, etc). You can vote on our board of directors each year to help guide the direction of the organization. We also have many drawings and giveaways throughout the year as well.

But more importantly you can help us with your membership fees to promote, preserve, protect and perpetuate hunting with traditional archery gear

One of many ways we use membership dues is to support our Youth program that ships many bows yearly to youth groups who want to explore traditional archery. Additionally we have a Traditional Hunt Comitee that is actively pursuing and protecting both bowhunters rights and traditional bowhunting opportunities.

Hope that helps!
Absolutely. Thanks for the reply back.
I joined when it was created, although there was a stretch I let my membership lapse, I rejoined several years ago. Just recently I upgraded to lifetime membership.
I joined when it was created, although there was a stretch I let my membership lapse, I rejoined several years ago. Just recently I upgraded to lifetime membership.
Glad to have you! Excited to see several Rokslide guys are also part of Comptons!
Member as well, besides the magazine I just love my trad bows so I figured why wouldn’t I be a member. I even won a longbow from Dave Darling, it’s definitely a special community. You can talk to any of the guys at the shows like you’ve known them forever
I've never persued any memberships of any kind as I have met 3 people in 30 years of shooting that hunt with a trad bow. I always figured I'm alone on an island.

I made it to RMS gear this year thanks to a work trip putting me a few minutes away. I never travel for shoots and such as they always seem to be during some important season.

I may have to do a better job of opening my eyes.