Leupold Vx5-HD - 3x15 yes or no?

In the meantime, a friend recommended this: Swarovski Z3 with BRH reticle. No doubt the glass will be good. Any thoughts on >> dependability << - field use??

Swarovski - Z3 or maybe 5???

Cheers and Happy Holidays everyone.

Myself and others here have had Swaro scopes fail. Personally I had a Z6 and two X5 scopes that failed on me. I would not trust a Z3 or Z5 either. Yes, the glass is great but the scopes would not consistently perform their one job (steer bullets too the target). You really should spend some time reading the scope evaluation subforum in the long range hunting forum.
I will do that. Thank you and I appreciate your response. After reading your post I spent a few hrs reviewing the Z3 & 5. Swaro is out.

Nice having good folks here willing to help. I'll take the blame for being indecisive but will stand by my intent to own trustworthy gear. That intent has paid off over these MANY years afield and why I'm asking here.

ALL.........thank you again.

It would not be difficult at all to create a lab-quality version of Form's drop eval that could be published as a standard and performed by any qualified standards lab around the world. Indoors, in controlled environment with more precise measurements, consistent impact surfaces and consistent vibration/duration stresses.

Yes, exactly so. Equipment used in nuclear power plants is put on shaker tables to test the effects of a seismic events at different magnitudes and frequencies. This type of testing for a scope would be applicable to the challenges of riding in a truck or SxS or other vibrational inputs. It would identify potential weaknesses due both to lack of strength and natural frequency effects.

A "Charpy V-notch test" is used to determine the impact toughness of a material by striking a prepared specimen with the V shaped point of a swinging pendulum. The striker impacts with a known force and speed. A similar test could be developed to determine the effects of impact on a scope and the force, speed, angle and location of impact could be controlled.

This is the kind of standardized testing that could be used to develop a rating system for the manufacturers to use for advertisement and for consumers to use in product selection. Hopefully Form's testing will help drive the scope mfgs in this direction.
EdP - well said.

I'm an English major so all the technical stuff on the subject of "why" on dependability usually goes over my head. I just ask my gear to work on time, when I need / expect it to. Reasonable? I think so, especially when I spend more $ than I have to make sure.

This morning I read optic evals on the LR forum. Good / useful info.

I'm giving serious consideration to moving to NF SHV as that is what I can afford.

I had a z3 on my 30/06ai. Really like the glass. Picked up rifle this year and checked before leaving for hunt and it was shooting 3 inches right. Can't be sure if it was the scope or something else. Fell two or three times with it in my hands and it rode in the truck for about 3 weeks. New trijicon should be here in a couple of days. Z3 will be kept and tried on a different rifle. As a bonus I like the simple mil dot reticle on the trijicon better.
I can't speak on the VX, but I have the Mark 5 and it is phenomenal. Swaro, NF, steiner, etc. I've owned and/or used most of the best options and the mark 5 is my favorite. Beaten the heck out of it and it still tracks flawlessly.
I’ve had no issues with 2 VX5’s. Had a VX6 crap the bed and sent to get fixed. I have a CredoHX 2.5-15 that I’d probably get over the VX5
Again...thank you all. Every reply helpful and genuinely appreciated.

I am NOT counting specifically.............but, from too many posters, it appears real Vx3 & 5 confidence is lacking. Right or wrong (??) I regret this. Creates a lot of "personal" mistrust in my Vx5. Maybe unfairly? Crap!!! IDK.

In the meantime, a friend recommended this: Swarovski Z3 with BRH reticle. No doubt the glass will be good. Any thoughts on >> dependability << - field use??

I apologize for belaboring a subject already covered many times. I'm just trying to make a good "dependability" decision and appreciate the reponses here.

Swarovski - Z3 or maybe 5???


Cheers and Happy Holidays everyone.
Some of the swarovski scope have been tested and dont think they passed but check for yourself in the long range section
Thank you all.

No on Swarovski.

Checked on SHV - will have to wait until funds available. Still want to procure scope for 2nd rifle.

In the meantime, have moved my Zeiss Conquest over to the upcoming hunt rifle. No scope drop tests - intentional or accidental - but use and dependability in the field over the last few years has been excellent. Great glass, illuminated and other nice features.

Happy Holidays.
Love my VX5 with the wind-plex reticle. Haven't drop tested mine (either purposefully or accidentally) but did take it to South Africa and was still zeroed perfectly. Same as when I came back, was still zeroed.