Compton or PBS


Jun 18, 2021
I’m already a member of my state traditional organization but I’m looking to join either PBS or Compton. Which organization do you prefer? Also, which one does more for TRADITIONAL bowhunting?
I understand the question but at the same time I have always viewed them as siblings organizations on the same team. Cheap enough to be a member of both and you should be a member of both.

I’m more active with pbs but thats only because most of my Bowhunting friends are from the pbs. All the leaders of Comptons and PBS would tell you that they are members of each others organizations and advise you to do the same

The price of the membership would be worth the magazines that they each print alone.

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I belong to both, wouldn’t say I’m “super active with either” I enjoy the magazines and agree with what J is saying