Combo guns

First post on here so let's see how it goes. Does anyone run comb guns like the old Savage/Stephen's Model 24 or the newer Model 42? I have both a 22lr/410 and a 30-30/20g with red dots mounted on both. What's your favorite combination for what game animals?
Looks awesome
54 years ago when I was 12 my folks bought me a Savage model 24V in .222/20ga. We were far from well off at the time and I know it was a stretch on the budget. I shot more rabbits, skunks and 'coons than a fella can imagine. That gun lived in whatever pickup I was driving. Obviously it developed quite a patina from all of the use. Last January I gave it to a young man I've hunted with for many years. He and his wife just had their first child and told me when he's 10-12 it will be a birthday gift. That fills my heart.
^^ I like this

On my 12th birthday (44 years ago) my parents gifted me a Savage 24VA in .222/20 GA. It has engraving of a turkey on one side and a fox on the other. Budget was tight so it was purchased used and I can’t say how much use it saw before I got it. I carried it spring turkey hunting a month later and used it for everything the next couple years until I got a pump shotgun for rabbit.
It has killed several white tails with 20ga slugs and countless groundhogs with the .222.
I’ve held on to Savage 24V for a long time. Originally was a 222/20ga. Someone apparently rechambered the rifle barrel to 223 rem. It’s in kinda rough shape, but I like it. I even picked up a cheap rifled chamber adapter 20ga/9mm for fun but I have not tried it out yet. It goes on grouse walks every once in a while. It won’t be stabilizing any 77gr TMKs with what I suspect is a 1/14” twist rate.
^^ I like this

On my 12th birthday (44 years ago) my parents gifted me a Savage 24VA in .222/20 GA. It has engraving of a turkey on one side and a fox on the other. Budget was tight so it was purchased used and I can’t say how much use it saw before I got it. I carried it spring turkey hunting a month later and used it for everything the next couple years until I got a pump shotgun for rabbit.
It has killed several white tails with 20ga slugs and countless groundhogs with the .222.
That sounds awesome. I can only imagine what a gun like that would bring today. Would love to get my hands on one someday.
Love the old Savage 24's
24V .223/20ga gets a lot of use after big game season is over. Grouse, huns, pheasent, coyote, fox and shot gunning squirrels. One of my favorites. Always looking for different combos like 30-30/20ga
Our 24C is a super accurate .22lr. Pop squirrels from the tops of pine trees. I break it down in my pack when hiking or skiing around forest roads in the winter.IMG_9578.JPGIMG_9688.JPGIMG_9692.JPG
Love the old Savage 24's
24V .223/20ga gets a lot of use after big game season is over. Grouse, huns, pheasent, coyote, fox and shot gunning squirrels. One of my favorites. Always looking for different combos like 30-30/20ga
Our 24C is a super accurate .22lr. Pop squirrels from the tops of pine trees. I break it down in my pack when hiking or skiing around forest roads in the winter.View attachment 783594View attachment 783595View attachment 783596

Dang, do all of the Savage 24s break down like that? I have one in 22lr / 20 ga.

And is that a Kifaru 14r? That would be a good use of that packs narrow internal pockets.
Too heavy. Like many things involving guns, you don't need a rifle and shotgun combo. You need a friend to carry the shotgun while you carry the rifle.
Have a super nice Valmet 412 in 243 over 12 collecting dust in the safe. Used it to hunt turkey with reduced 243 loads. Nice for the one that stands at 50 yards and gobbles looking for a hen. TSS in my 28 gauge replaces that now.

Dang, do all of the Savage 24s break down like that? I have one in 22lr / 20 ga.

And is that a Kifaru 14r? That would be a good use of that packs narrow internal pockets.
Yes to 14’er and older 24’s break down like an over/ under shotgun.
Pull down on the tip of the wood hand rest and it should pop off. There is a metal spring/ hinge that locks it into place on barrel and a slot close to receiver. Break action open and gently separate barrels from receiver
AR’s also fit nice in the side pockets of the 14er when broken down


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Have a super nice Valmet 412 in 243 over 12 collecting dust in the safe. Used it to hunt turkey with reduced 243 loads. Nice for the one that stands at 50 yards and gobbles looking for a hen. TSS in my 28 gauge replaces that now.

Those old Valmets are very nice. I like how you can swap out barrel sets and make an over under shotgun or over under double rifle if you can find spare barrels.