Colorado Springs

All good input I appreciate it.

I guess what we’d want to know are what other options you have? The Springs is better than Denver and you are closer to some decent outdoor activities. There are definitely worse places to live and if you are only planning to stay 4-5 years you’ll be able to hunt some before the wolves really take over. And politically it’s terrible here but you could survive for a few years and then bounce. I have a 5 year plan to get to WY from CO but I’m being patient in the mean time.
Its application season for a job at the AF Academy training and mentoring cadets so the Springs and sorrounding area is really the only option. I could keep tabs online to see of something else thats appealing pops up or wait until my assignment cycle and hopefully get lucky picking from a small random list of bases that have an opening for my job and rank.

Depends if you are AF or Army.

I get dozens and dozens of ticks every year on my clothing, and maybe one or two dig in per year.

My wife just found a tick in the bedroom last week(we’d hiked earlier that day)

I’m 2 hrs north of the springs.
My aunt died from Lyme disease complications, they lived in Woodland Park outside of Colorado Springs since I was a kid (long time).
When I lived out there the Springs wasn't so bad as I hear it is now. 09-12. I had long weekends to play in the mountains so spent as little time as possible in the city. If I could've swung it, I'd have moved over to Woodland Park. Not sure how it is around there now, but a buddy that lived there loved it. I found quite a few areas for elk that weren't too crowded back then as well. I've heard that's also changed quite a bit.
I was stationed in Colorado Springs from 2016-2020. The traffic kills the thought of ever trying to get back there for me. The academy wouldn't be bad though. I would recommend living in Monument. Short commute to the academy, and the housing is actually spaced out in those neighborhoods. My wife and I lived there 2019-2020 until I PCS'ed because she was working in Denver.

I saw someone recommend Holloman in this thread. I spent 3 years there. I enjoyed my time there, but I would much rather go back to CO.
All good input I appreciate it.

Its application season for a job at the AF Academy training and mentoring cadets so the Springs and sorrounding area is really the only option. I could keep tabs online to see of something else thats appealing pops up or wait until my assignment cycle and hopefully get lucky picking from a small random list of bases that have an opening for my job and rank.

I work there and live here. Hit me up and I’ll give you my 2 cents can give you some thoughts on the job too.

North side of town has little of what most are claiming (I’ll stay out of the political piece). That said it is completely unaffordable to live in a reasonable home for BAH. But it’s that way for a reason….people want to live in the nicer areas. We don’t think traffic is bad, like the places we can visit in close proximity. Hunting has been awesome.

We plan to retire here, we’ve lived half a dozen places for multiple years and prefer it here (Destin/Honolulu/North Texas/Northern VA/NORCAL….CO wins).
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I am active duty at the Academy right now and have been here for about 3 years. I am separating and we are likely staying here. Feel free to PM me if you have any questions. I'm going to go against the grain here and say a lot of these opinions are a little bit stretched or are coming from people who haven't really lived in a "city". The Springs is not that bad. Traffic isn't bad for a city, however yes housing is very expensive. There are "bad" areas, but they aren't really up by the academy. I came from a small town in Wisconsin and have overall enjoyed living here. Good luck either way!
Let’s see, you have to pay for grocery bags, drugs were decriminalized, the Governor is actively trying to ban hunting and the wildlife commission hates residents. Come on over, it’s amazing…
If you want to be in a nicer area with hardly any homeless and much less crime, the far eastern side of the city is the place to go. Anywhere east of academy blvd and north of constitution is pretty decent.
My days are numbered in Alaska and I will move... somewhere... by April 2025. 😞

Colorado Springs is an option where I could potentially control my destiny a little bit and pick an area where I can still hunt. If anyone has some helpful insight on the area Id appreciate it. I know Colorado has its quirks politically but this would potentially only be a 3 or 4 year move until I retire militarily. We have 2 young kids (4 and 2) and the wifes career is on hold currently and most likely for a few more years. I know housing is up thats a given most places.
Woodland Park, which is nearby, seems pretty nice. Higher up in the mountains and decent sized town. Would probably be closer to fishing and hunting. I’m from down south so I don’t have any inside knowledge but I remember thinking it would be a nice option outside of Colorado Springs.
Woodland Park, which is nearby, seems pretty nice. Higher up in the mountains and decent sized town. Would probably be closer to fishing and hunting. I’m from down south so I don’t have any inside knowledge but I remember thinking it would be a nice option outside of Colorado Springs.
His commute would be over an hour though and that’s assuming no traffic and the roads are clear.

Woodland park seems nice for sure. We spend a lot of time there.
I am active duty at the Academy right now and have been here for about 3 years. I am separating and we are likely staying here. Feel free to PM me if you have any questions. I'm going to go against the grain here and say a lot of these opinions are a little bit stretched or are coming from people who haven't really lived in a "city". The Springs is not that bad. Traffic isn't bad for a city, however yes housing is very expensive. There are "bad" areas, but they aren't really up by the academy. I came from a small town in Wisconsin and have overall enjoyed living here. Good luck either way!
My thought exactly
I know this will come as a shock but I say take some days and spend time there before moving finally so you have accurately made decision
But hey just saying
Retired Navy here after 27 years. One of my tours was at Shriever. I live up in Woodland Park. Due to the benefits you get for housing most of the comments here do not apply IMO.

Feel free to shoot me a PM and I'll help any way I can.
Retired Navy here after 27 years. One of my tours was at Shriever. I live up in Woodland Park. Due to the benefits you get for housing most of the comments here do not apply IMO.

Feel free to shoot me a PM and I'll help any way I can.
If living on base then yes or if he is an O. If enlisted the comments definitely apply. Our BAH has hardly kept up with housing costs. If he wants to live in North Springs/Monument you are looking at a 500-600K house at a 6% rate which is not going to be covered by BAH.
If living on base then yes or if he is an O. If enlisted the comments definitely apply. Our BAH has hardly kept up with housing costs. If he wants to live in North Springs/Monument you are looking at a 500-600K house at a 6% rate which is not going to be covered by BAH.
Cost to live off base (apple to apple) vs on is between 150%-200% more than BAH factoring in utilities (and no money down). Same for officers. Been house hunting for 2 years.

It’s the largest disparity I’ve ever seen. We been digging into it with leadership. Issue is Carson and USAFA share same BAH locality. Unfortunately it’s about 40% cheaper to live close to Carson or Peterson than up north. And since they have a magnitude more people that will likely not change (dod level would have to seperate the areas…would me a major movement and cost gov more $$)

Edit: just ran the numbers as an example.

At my housing level, with 6.5% interest and no money down (VA) and factoring in $400 for utilities, I can afford a $350,000 home for BAH. You can’t buy a 2 bedroom condo/townhouse for that price north of Woodman.
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Cost to live off base (apple to apple) vs on is between 150%-200% more than BAH factoring in utilities (and no money down). Same for officers. Been house hunting for 2 years.

It’s the largest disparity I’ve ever seen. We been digging into it with leadership. Issue is Carson and USAFA share same BAH locality. Unfortunately it’s about 40% cheaper to live close to Carson or Peterson than up north. And since they have a magnitude more people that will likely not change (dod level would have to seperate the areas…would me a major movement and cost gov more $$)

Edit: just ran the numbers as an example.

At my housing level, with 6.5% interest and no money down (VA) and factoring in $400 for utilities, I can afford a $350,000 home for BAH. You can’t buy a 2 bedroom condo/townhouse for that price north of Woodman.

Yeah it isn't cheap that's for sure and either way BAH isn't going to cover it with interest rates. 40% seems a little extreme, we live about 5 minutes outside of Southgate in a great neighborhood and still have plenty of houses sell for 350-400 in our neighborhood. Granted they are older homes. Everybody who comes here though thinks if they aren't living in Banning Lewis, Monument, or Northgate they are in a "bad area" which is laughable. People love to say that everything south of Woodmen is bad which simply isn't true.
If living on base then yes or if he is an O. If enlisted the comments definitely apply. Our BAH has hardly kept up with housing costs. If he wants to live in North Springs/Monument you are looking at a 500-600K house at a 6% rate which is not going to be covered by BAH.
So do servicemembers now have the thought process that a uniformed volunteer who accepts orders for a 3 year PCS tour is expecting BAH to cover buying a home? I'm genuinely curious.

Thank you
So do servicemembers now have the thought process that a uniformed volunteer who accepts orders for a 3 year PCS tour is expecting BAH to cover buying a home? I'm genuinely curious.

Thank you
I'm some ways, yes we do. It's one of the few ways we can build wealth and personal equity. If you follow the changes to the new blended retirement system the pension isn't what it used to be. Service members in most cases work 20 years serving when they could be making more as civilians. Can't speak for every branch/job but that is definitely the case with mine.
So do servicemembers now have the thought process that a uniformed volunteer who accepts orders for a 3 year PCS tour is expecting BAH to cover buying a home? I'm genuinely curious.

Thank you
When I was in, yes and no. I think it was reasonable to expect to be able to rent a decent place or have the option to buy if you like, I can’t image that BAH has been able to track with the housing inflation in Co these days
In the 6 moves I’ve done the answer has always been yes. I’ve comfortably lived in a reasonable home (via purchase or rent) including utilities and always been able to live under BAH.

C springs is the first place that hasn’t been possible.

Even if the rates were 2.5% that still wouldn’t be achievable at the houses we are after (which aren’t unreasonable or any different than the other houses we’ve lived in).