All good input I appreciate it.
Its application season for a job at the AF Academy training and mentoring cadets so the Springs and sorrounding area is really the only option. I could keep tabs online to see of something else thats appealing pops up or wait until my assignment cycle and hopefully get lucky picking from a small random list of bases that have an opening for my job and rank.I guess what we’d want to know are what other options you have? The Springs is better than Denver and you are closer to some decent outdoor activities. There are definitely worse places to live and if you are only planning to stay 4-5 years you’ll be able to hunt some before the wolves really take over. And politically it’s terrible here but you could survive for a few years and then bounce. I have a 5 year plan to get to WY from CO but I’m being patient in the mean time.
Depends if you are AF or Army.