Congrats!I drew archery s12 ram!!!
Yipee, I drew an either sex archery tag for G5!
Buying preference points for goat/sheep improves odds but the returns diminish the more you get. Getting the first several help your chances markedly. I'm sitting with 23 points - changing my denominator from 23 to 24 doesn't do near as much from a % standpoint. I still do just because I really want a damn sheep tag - plus it goes to a decent cause. That's my story and I'm sticking to it for at least one more year!
Uff! Sounds fun. Thompson or Scar?I’ll be chasing rams with my bow in December!
How many points did you draw with. My buddy put in for that same tag. Congrats should be a great timeCC got hit, drew a G12 Nanny tag!!!
What unit?Thanks! Just a ewe tag but I'm still thrilled. Had this same tag a couple years ago and had a great time. Struck out but learned the unit really well, so I already have a solid game plan for this year.