Colorado secondary draw questions


Mar 28, 2017
Morrison, Colorado
It’s very frustrating when you look at the secondary draw list and see both your first and second choice tags available on there. I drew neither in the primary draw. My first choice was a 5 pt tag for non-res. 18 out of 20 drew it at 5 pts. I was one of the two who didn’t. Now there’s 6 tags available in the secondary. My 2nd choice tag has 24 leftovers. Weird circumstances but I guess with Colorados new system of giving you a few days grace period and not having to pay if you drew a tag allowed a lot of people to turn tags back in.

I solved this years ago.

This is where I wish that you couldn't purchase a license that you didn't apply for in the primary. I think it silly that a person can not be drawn in the primary, not be drawn in the secondary, and miss out again on multiple leftover days, while someone who didn't think it was worthy in April can snag them up.
Dec 28, 2015
Well, I went ahead and made my donation. I applied for 2 tags that had decent (more than 20) left overs. If I don’t get either one of them then i am going to take it as a sign that I am not meant to elk hunt this year. I have struck out in Arizona, New Mexico, Wyoming and Colorado.


Mar 28, 2017
Morrison, Colorado
Do they look at all 4 of your choices before moving to the next app?

No, each hunt code runs through all first choice applicants, then all second, etc.

It is not like other state(s) where they draw an application and go through choices. You are essentially in a separate hunt code lottery for each choice