Colorado Residents

Report from the field:

Went to Casa Bonita last night with the family. 5 pm pull into the parking lot. Some shirtless dude clearly out of his gourd on drugs is trying to figure out how sweatpants stay on. An armed security guard is keeping an eye on him until police arrive, but they never show up and the guy eventually stumbled off into the sunset.

Walking from the car to the line to get in, a slightly more coherent gentleman exits Ross Dress for Less with two pair of sneakers as the alarm sounds. "I'm just getting my wallet" is declared by the scamp as I position myself between him and my kids while staring him down.

"More like 'just getting away' " I retort as the loss protection officer watches from inside the air conditioned store, not pursuing as is company policy.

A trio of "newcomers" is stationed just outside CB smoking, drinking, and begging.

Casa Bonita has at least four armed guards with bullet proof vests running outside security. There are metal detectors to get in, so I have to return to the vehicle before I can head in.

The family had fun at Casa Bonita. It's well run.

On the way out, I notice that a number of the vehicles parked at the east end of the parking lot have people living out of them and using the Planet Fitness as a make shift homeless shelter. I get the kids loaded up and out of there before an SUV starts a rockin'.
I can’t believe Colorado is this bad? Media make it out worse or what. What happened. ? Well I know what happened but still can’t believe it.
My conservative Dad wound be rolling in his grave if he knew what happened to his beautiful home state.

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Report from the field:

Went to Casa Bonita last night with the family. 5 pm pull into the parking lot. Some shirtless dude clearly out of his gourd on drugs is trying to figure out how sweatpants stay on. An armed security guard is keeping an eye on him until police arrive, but they never show up and the guy eventually stumbled off into the sunset.

Walking from the car to the line to get in, a slightly more coherent gentleman exits Ross Dress for Less with two pair of sneakers as the alarm sounds. "I'm just getting my wallet" is declared by the scamp as I position myself between him and my kids while staring him down.

"More like 'just getting away' " I retort as the loss protection officer watches from inside the air conditioned store, not pursuing as is company policy.

A trio of "newcomers" is stationed just outside CB smoking, drinking, and begging.

Casa Bonita has at least four armed guards with bullet proof vests running outside security. There are metal detectors to get in, so I have to return to the vehicle before I can head in.

The family had fun at Casa Bonita. It's well run.

On the way out, I notice that a number of the vehicles parked at the east end of the parking lot have people living out of them and using the Planet Fitness as a make shift homeless shelter. I get the kids loaded up and out of there before an SUV starts a rockin'.
Quite sad. The progressive takeover of Denver and most of the front range has brought on policies that will continue this trend. Shoplifting is “Justice Shopping”, millions of public dollars on “sanctuary city” programs, and many elected officials refer to themselves as “abolitionists” with the goal of eliminating police and prisons. Unfortunately it won’t change anytime soon as Colorado is essentially a single party state. There was a time when Denver was considered a true outlier or exception, a generally safe major U.S. city.
He also blamed it all on Republicans........after Brandon created the problem and then presented a totally skewed and worthless bill that would have "legally" allowed the entry of 1000's of illegals that the R's shot down. Then MSM presented that bill to every sheep in the country as the Holy Grail to fix our illegal immigration problem, then blamed R's that wouldn't get onboard with that idiocy, so that the sheep would blame Republicans for the illegal immigration problem. They really are Satan in human form. SMH
Governor Jared Poojabber.
I can’t believe Colorado is this bad? Media make it out worse or what. What happened. ? Well I know what happened but still can’t believe it.
My conservative Dad wound be rolling in his grave if he knew what happened to his beautiful home state.

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It isn’t the whole state of Colorado…just select parts of the Front Range. There’s a reason I live on the Best Slope.
I know people who won’t go into the scary woods during hunting season, archery included. In my opinion, not coming to Colorado to hunt because of an area in Aurora/Denver is in the same category. Be smart, go anyway.
I know people who won’t go into the scary woods during hunting season, archery included. In my opinion, not coming to Colorado to hunt because of an area in Aurora/Denver is in the same category. Be smart, go anyway.
Hard disagree. It’s gotten incredibly dangerous and folks should start hunting MT, WY, or ID instead. It’s really in the interest of their safety. I promise.
I work out of DIA. Had a co-worker who had his truck stolen last week. The truck was found after a shootout. Full of bullet holes and now is in evidence. I have worked out of there for 25 years. Things are getting pretty western out there. Liberal immigration has consequences.
what a shame to see this country go down the toilet like this...we need to thank those responsible in the proper manner.

Yeah it’s pathetic and it’s really concerning. When you start losing sleep over this stuff it’s a problem. Never in a hundred years would I thought it would get like this. Just being in Sea Tac In seattle going to Alaska was enough to piss you off. Especially trying to find a men’s bathroom

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Yeah it’s pathetic and it’s really concerning. When you start losing sleep over this stuff it’s a problem. Never in a hundred years would I thought it would get like this. Just being in Sea Tac In seattle going to Alaska was enough to piss you off. Especially trying to find a men’s bathroom

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I was just at SeaTac. I didn’t have any problems at all. No different than any other large airport.

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Report from the field:

Went to Casa Bonita last night with the family. 5 pm pull into the parking lot. Some shirtless dude clearly out of his gourd on drugs is trying to figure out how sweatpants stay on. An armed security guard is keeping an eye on him until police arrive, but they never show up and the guy eventually stumbled off into the sunset.

Walking from the car to the line to get in, a slightly more coherent gentleman exits Ross Dress for Less with two pair of sneakers as the alarm sounds. "I'm just getting my wallet" is declared by the scamp as I position myself between him and my kids while staring him down.

"More like 'just getting away' " I retort as the loss protection officer watches from inside the air conditioned store, not pursuing as is company policy.

A trio of "newcomers" is stationed just outside CB smoking, drinking, and begging.

Casa Bonita has at least four armed guards with bullet proof vests running outside security. There are metal detectors to get in, so I have to return to the vehicle before I can head in.

The family had fun at Casa Bonita. It's well run.

On the way out, I notice that a number of the vehicles parked at the east end of the parking lot have people living out of them and using the Planet Fitness as a make shift homeless shelter. I get the kids loaded up and out of there before an SUV starts a rockin'.
In all fairness the neighborhood around Casa Bonita has been rough for awhile. I lived 2 blocks from there 5 years ago, and it was a sketchy area at that time.

All the seedy motels along that block of Colfax, the thrift store on the corner, and the plasma donation shop across the street attracted some real colorful characters.
You can get coupons on

Denver area has been in a downward slide for a while. There is a strong correlation with the leftists moving to the front range and quality of life issues declining.

Keep your head on swivel, be smart, don't leave anything in your vehicle overnight, and you'll be okay.

The last time I was in downtown -- I was taking the light rail back from the airport -- I couldn't believe how it'd changed. Awful.
Parts of it are really nice. SE. Southlands. I know that area is pretty nice. I think this was up closer to the city. I try not to ever go there.