Colorado Residents

my best friend has lived there since 2011 in that time the worst had heard was his wife's car been broken into. That's the worst thing that's ever happened in all his years living in Aurora. I have heard worst worse crime in small town Colorado than I have heard from Aurora. I don't think Aurora is that dangerous and I live in a part that people frequently post to avoid. My friends neighborhood is quiet and peaceful and is mostly working families and retired people.
Anyone live in or near Aurora? We will be traveling through there, how much of a shit show is it?
What do you mean by traveling through?

If you are just driving through and not stopping I have no idea why you would and not take 470 around.

If you are hoteling I have no idea why you choose Aurora.

If you are staying with friends it really depends on their address.
Reminded me I need to clip a coupon and get another Apache case haha

They were 30% off a couple weeks ago.

You can get coupons on

Denver area has been in a downward slide for a while. There is a strong correlation with the leftists moving to the front range and quality of life issues declining.

Keep your head on swivel, be smart, don't leave anything in your vehicle overnight, and you'll be okay.
CO Governor Pulis said its a made up problem. misinformation spread by conspiracy theorists on internet hunting forums probably.
He also blamed it all on Republicans........after Brandon created the problem and then presented a totally skewed and worthless bill that would have "legally" allowed the entry of 1000's of illegals that the R's shot down. Then MSM presented that bill to every sheep in the country as the Holy Grail to fix our illegal immigration problem, then blamed R's that wouldn't get onboard with that idiocy, so that the sheep would blame Republicans for the illegal immigration problem. They really are Satan in human form. SMH
my best friend has lived there since 2011 in that time the worst had heard was his wife's car been broken into. That's the worst thing that's ever happened in all his years living in Aurora. I have heard worst worse crime in small town Colorado than I have heard from Aurora. I don't think Aurora is that dangerous and I live in a part that people frequently post to avoid. My friends neighborhood is quiet and peaceful and is mostly working families and retired people.
Crime in Aurora is 2x's higher than the US average.
