Colorado Leftover List is Posted

I got an elk tag at 9:03 this morning. On the attempt to print my bear tag a minute later the system went down. Got lucky and got my bear tag at 10:11 after the system was back up. There were tags sold and printed early, before the crash

Mine was entered at 0900 and they kept getting an error message about "date ranges wrong" for all archery tag attempts. Two other guys got their tags before the entire system crashed, but they got rifle tags. Nobody could figure out what that error message was all about for archery tags, even the DOW. Nowhere in the system do they even enter date ranges, so it was internal to the system. But somehow those archery tags disappeared off the list. By the time the system came back up, all the tags I wanted were long gone.
Mine was entered at 0900 and they kept getting an error message about "date ranges wrong" for all archery tag attempts. Two other guys got their tags before the entire system crashed, but they got rifle tags. Nobody could figure out what that error message was all about for archery tags, even the DOW. Nowhere in the system do they even enter date ranges, so it was internal to the system. But somehow those archery tags disappeared off the list. By the time the system came back up, all the tags I wanted were long gone.

I drove 4 hours from out of state and was first in line. I tried for three different rifle deer tags and an archery deer tag. I received the invalid date range error message for every attempt. By the time I tried to go somewhere else, the tags I wanted were gone too. I appreciate the fact they are trying to get more hunters in the field, but I am a little disappointed in my time spent to have a system failure.
It wouldn't be leftover day without a system failure, I don't think they do any testing and probably could careless if we can't get our tag as someone will get it.
Directly from CDOW on why the sheep tag was on the list.

What happened with SFS3901R?
• In this year's draw, a new hunt code (SFS39O1 R) was incorrectly set up causing the hunt code
to not be available through our online application process.
• There was only one customer who applied for this hunt code by paper as a second choice and
they drew their first choice. As a result no one drew the SFS39O1 R license.
I find it hard to believe that not one hit the list. Also there were a ton of rifle and archery tags in 1-5 point units on last years list and not a single one on this years again hard to believe nobody is turning in tags in units that don't go to the next in line.

I really don't know what you're on about. I saw literally hundreds of tags that took points to draw on the initial list.

Maybe, or maybe the lady I talked to at CPW wasn't me about not putting all of them on the first list since their wasn't suppose to be a "preview" this year. I guess time will tell

No, she's not BSing, it says right on the CPW website that reissues will be added to the leftover list at random times during business hours after being processed. Those that were on the initial list were those "randomly" added prior to them being available for purchase.

I can also say for a fact that new licenses were added to the list yesterday. As an example, 6 tags for EE066O1A were added at around 11am and all sold within 20 minutes.
That's not right. They shouldn't be sold until the next morning so everybody has a chance at them. Not everybody is going to look at the list all day. Check it at night and buy in the morning is more fair to everybody.
Thats exactly what they went away from last year. They had the list that was posted and everybody and their dog showed up at a kiosk the next morning or online to try to get a reissue. This creates overhead at kiosks and dow offices when hundreds of people show up each week all trying to get tags. The introduction of the random reissues solves quite a few problems and is completely fair to everybody unlike the kiosk vs online sales. Hint Kiosks always won out on the reissues over online due to the processing mechanism. If you want to go through their reasoning, they talk about this quite a bit in one of the commission meetings a few months ago.
I understand the reasons they did it. It's still not fair to those who have to work all day and don't have access to computers or the freedom to run and buy a tag.
I mean let's be honest, these tags aren't meant for everybody and there is no way to make everyone happy, maybe they should go back to the way it was and not reissue any of these tags and just toss them when they get turned inz

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The kiosks don't always win, but they do the majority of the time especially when there are alot of people going for the same tag. I'm not complaining because I also got a 7 point tag last year, but I am interested in the reasons why they switched and the mechanics of how tags are released.

The kiosks have an inherent advantage over online due to immediate removal of the tag from the quota. Joe Blow walks up to the kiosks and has the clerk put in his hunt code. As soon as the clerk hits the enter button on the code, the kiosk connects to the database and immediately removes the hunt code if it is available. It gets printed out after it is removed from the quota and then Joe pays for the license. For online sales, you enter the hunt code and see if it is available. If it is available it pops up on the screen and now you click Checkout. That loads up a new screen where you have to click where you are going to get it mailed to. Next you have to click your payment type such as a Visa. Now you have to enter your Visa card # and then enter the expiration date. Now you can finally click on Complete purchase.

Their is no Semaphore on the code once you add it to your cart in the online sale. This automatically gives you a 20-30 second hit to go through the screens and check all the boxes before you can complete your checkout while the kiosks are instantaneous once connected. The Dow will never be able to please everybody, but going to the random release removes the burden of 100's of people showing up at kiosks each week while still giving everybody an equal chance to try to get one randomly online. Not every bodies work situation will allow that to happen, but that is the same with the weekly release that they did last year.
I mean let's be honest, these tags aren't meant for everybody and there is no way to make everyone happy, maybe they should go back to the way it was and not reissue any of these tags and just toss them when they get turned inz

I had read last year that they get something like 9000 returned tags every year. Even at resident pricing that's over $400k they were giving up every year. Nope, they'll keep reissuing them.

It would cost them some money in the short term, but could alleviate a lot of the current issues they have with the reissue process. And that is to program their system so people could input a "wishlist" for these tags. Then do their "lottery" system like they do for sheep, moose, and goat, and issue the reissue tags to the folks at the top of that list as they come up. Once they have purchased a valid tag (even an OTC tag) they drop off the list.
I know they will keep doing it, I'm saying folks need to quit complaining about the system because they didn't get the prized tag that they should have because they were first in line at one of the 23,498 kiosks across the state and half of them were trying to get the same top tag at the same tag.

There are several things I think that the state should do to alleviate a lot of issues people have with getting tags, point creep and the like. I don't think you should be allowed to turn a tag back in unless it is dire situations, soldier being deployed, major major illness or injury. I think that you should lose your points if you draw a second choice tag. I think that there are units that should be limited in the amount of tags given out and new ways of doing that should be employed, I really like the way that Montana does it in some units where you are guaranteed to get a tag if you just put your application in for it. That would keep point creep down because people won't be acquiring points, and it will decrease pressure in the area because there will be those stubborn few who will continue to acquire points for the top tier units.

All these things will piss somebody off but there are many many things the state could do to 1. Make the agency more money 2. Alleviate these issues they are having with the computer system crashes 3. Start reducing the point creep many folks are starting to complain about.

I had read last year that they get something like 9000 returned tags every year. Even at resident pricing that's over $400k they were giving up every year. Nope, they'll keep reissuing them.

It would cost them some money in the short term, but could alleviate a lot of the current issues they have with the reissue process. And that is to program their system so people could input a "wishlist" for these tags. Then do their "lottery" system like they do for sheep, moose, and goat, and issue the reissue tags to the folks at the top of that list as they come up. Once they have purchased a valid tag (even an OTC tag) they drop off the list.
Before you start to feel bad about the DOW losing money. The annual income is 3 billion. Plenty to get the job done if they knew how to spend it.
You'll just have to learn to live on hate and caffeine until next season. Sour grapes gets old time for a reexamination of your application strategy.

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You'll just have to learn to live on hate and caffeine until next season. Sour grapes gets old time for a reexamination of your application strategy.

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Is that a general statement, or is it pointed at someone?
Just trying to help you out while your internet is still on.
Also it's not an all negative comment living in Utah I've been party to plenty of rejection seasons with no tags and had to change my application approach to ensure a tag or two each year. Never too late for a better approach to a problem of more demand less supply
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I got my bear and muley buck tag. That's all I was after this year. They closed Cottonwood Pass or i'd have the elk tag I always get. I miss not hunting for elk this year, but I knew when they closed the pass it would be this way. I always get my tags. I've posted about needing an elk tag, but I really don't want one in my unit. I'm tired of hunting this unit. I know exactly where the elk are and find it too boring.

My complaints in this thread are more for other hunters getting a bad deal.

btw...My internet was shut off, but I decided to have it turned back on for personal reasons. Sorry, but you're not rid of me.
Start reducing the point creep many folks are starting to complain about.

As long as the demand is greater than the supply for these draw tags, point creep is going to happen......plain and simple. But at least CO has OTC elk tags so we can hunt every year regardless of whether we get a draw tag or not.

But this reissue process is just part of the hunt and chase mentality so many of us have. I love it, regardless of the outcome. Heck, as being one of the first in line at 0900 to try to get a tag, it should have been a slam dunk. Even my 3rd choice still had tags available at 10am, but they still couldn't get it through. Last year I got my 4th choice at 9:10 and I had three in front of me. Such is life. Wasn't meant to be this week. I'll still be hunting somewhere. The last time I hunted OTC I shot a 300+ bull.......but I still like the chase for these tags.
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Thanks CPW

I was in 5th in line last year and 1st this year at CPW office in COS. Unfortunately they have had issues on my machines each year. However, I have at least come out each year with at least once decent limited entry archery tag. The system and process is not perfect, but I am glad they offer it for someone like me that doesn't a mass amount of points accumulated in western states. I just want a good opportunity to get outdoors, have fun and burn 8-10 vacation days doing something I think about 24/7/365. Good luck this season boys, shoot straight.