Colorado Leftover List is Posted

I stood in line for a long time, was the first in line and system wouldn't pushed mine through and should have, next guy on the terminal next to me went through but he probably wasn't going for a tag that might have been in such demand. The tag I wanted was still up until 10 I'm guessing that most people were trying for that tag and it locked it up somehow. Anyways, I'm not upset, why should I be, why should anybody be upset with the agency because they can't get in via phone call or the system goes down and they don't get the tag that they "earned". Please, these are freebies and not everybody can get a tag in the better units. Never go into the reissue game expecting to get a tag, always have no expectations and be very happy when you get a tag. I do wish they would change the system to require you to loose your points if you pick a tag up, that would fix a lot of these problems that we are all facing.
Same thing happened to us. First guy got his tag right at 9:00, then when I was up at 9:10 it kept giving an error code and we eventually heard it was crashed statewide. Came back up around 9:45 but all of "my" tags were gone.

I agree with what Bulldawg wrote above, don't expect anything when you try for leftovers but be happy if you get something. The reissue process is another avenue to a good tag but not everyone can score one. Yes, they need a better system as it is frustrating but we can all choose whether to play the game or not.
I just noticed some tags are increasing and not decreasing, so maybe it did crash. I kind of surprised it would crash, not that many good tags in the leftovers.

I wonder who the lucky person is that got the sheep tag, talk about lucky getting it on a leftover list without burning points.

It was a ewe tag and probably didn't take very many if any to get in the regular draw
Man, that list is stripped now. If they told me I could have any tag on it now for free. There's nothing i'd take.
Not the case. I camped out and was first in line for a tag. I never even had a chance to draw a tag. From 9-1020 the system wouldn't connect to the server... So obviously nothing ever went through. As of 1020 no one at the store received a single tag. I waited 6 hours in line to not even have an opportunity. I don't feel that I deserved the tag but should at least have a shot for my effort and time.
Seems fishy way more demand last year with so many more premium tags and no system issues. This year couldn't have had more demand and system crash, but while the system is down tags keep selling??????
Demand was probably the exact same as last year, sure maybe not as many people in line but that doesn't mean that almost all the machines in the state were working to go through right at 9:00. Also, it's been discussed, but the 5 point units that got turned in go to the next guys in line, and they are supposed to reach out to the next five guys. I'm pretty sure out of 5 dudes, one of them is going to take a tag that they were trying to get originally. There won't be as many reissues this year obviously because of the way that they are doing the reissues and there won't be the mad rush to get a tag on tuesday morning since there is no reissue list, but just like last year there will be tags filtering on to the system every week and there will be some good tags that will pop up but most folks won't even know about it because of the fact that most people won't be checking the list every 5 minutes.
You also can't tell me that every single next in line person took tags like 76 and 61.

I think maybe you missed the changes to the reissue process for tags that take 5 or more points. They now call the next 5 people in line instead of putting them on the list.
No, I am well aware of that. Looking at the screenshots I took off of last years list there were 13 76 archery tags turned in and over 20 61 1st rifle tags. I find it hard to believe that not one hit the list. Also there were a ton of rifle and archery tags in 1-5 point units on last years list and not a single one on this years again hard to believe nobody is turning in tags in units that don't go to the next in line.
No, I am well aware of that. Looking at the screenshots I took off of last years list there were 13 76 archery tags turned in and over 20 61 1st rifle tags. I find it hard to believe that not one hit the list. Also there were a ton of rifle and archery tags in 1-5 point units on last years list and not a single one on this years again hard to believe nobody is turning in tags in units that don't go to the next in line.

Can't go off last year, they changed it all up again. Any tags that took 5pts or more to draw were not on the preview list this year, they will slowly filter onto it as proceeded which can be up to 10 days after received. So none of these tags would have been on the list but could have been available or will be on the list after today.
Can't go off last year, they changed it all up again. Any tags that took 5pts or more to draw were not on the preview list this year, they will slowly filter onto it as proceeded which can be up to 10 days after received. So none of these tags would have been on the list but could have been available or will be on the list after today.

No, that's not correct. Any tag that took more that 5 points doesn't get reissued, they get issued to the guy who would have drawn the tag "next" during the original application, just like sheep, goat, and moose. there is no more reissue list and tags that are getting turned in today will be slowly filtering onto the leftover list as they get turned in. Now, you just have to understand that there may not have been as many people turning in tags this year, and out of the hundreds of people that have been applying for those hunts i'm sure it's reasonable to assume that they are jumping all over those tags when they get the call saying somebody turned a tag in and they can have it.
Maybe, or maybe the lady I talked to at CPW wasn't me about not putting all of them on the first list since their wasn't suppose to be a "preview" this year. I guess time will tell
No, that's not correct. Any tag that took more that 5 points doesn't get reissued, they get issued to the guy who would have drawn the tag "next" during the original application, just like sheep, goat, and moose. there is no more reissue list and tags that are getting turned in today will be slowly filtering onto the leftover list as they get turned in. Now, you just have to understand that there may not have been as many people turning in tags this year, and out of the hundreds of people that have been applying for those hunts i'm sure it's reasonable to assume that they are jumping all over those tags when they get the call saying somebody turned a tag in and they can have it.

Oh yeah forgot about the next 5 inline get first chance part but if none of them go for it (highly unlikely) it does go back on the list.

There was a Sheep tag on the list but guessing it was there because they are 3 max pts and then weighted.

Also wasn't there a stipulation that if the tag was a resident tag only residents could get it and if it's a nonresident only nonresidents can get it?
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The sheep tag was a ewe tag and those don't take hardly any points. Ram tags, goat tags, and moose tags all go to next in line people. Nobody probably wanted that ewe tag that is why it showed up on the list.
The sheep tag was a ewe tag and those don't take hardly any points. Ram tags, goat tags, and moose tags all go to next in line people. Nobody probably wanted that ewe tag that is why it showed up on the list.

That makes more sense, didn't look that closely at it.
20+ years ago, I remember camping out overnight at the DOW, to be one of the first in line... for cow elk or spike tags!
Funny how history repeats itself.

Never again for me

Between the 1-4 choices in the first drawing, and then the Leftover Draw, plenty of opportunity for me