Colorado Cow Moose Hunt ‘24

After I got all the meat, hide and head (yes head - have to submit it for registration) to the truck, I headed to the local town to get the meat to the meat locker for cooling down.

With the high temps, there was no way I could get it cooled down in time.

Once I dropped off the meat, I went to the small city park and fleshed and salted the hide. :)

After that I went to the local community center and took a shower for $5. It had been a week!

Then I went back to camp and had a whiskey. Maybe 2.

Yesterday I broke down camp and went back to the local town and picked up the meat, registered the moose at the CPW office where they took an incisor tooth and a tissue sample for DNA.

The I drove 2 hours home and took the quarters to my processor.

The 4 quarters weighed 180lbs. I weighed the loose meat here at home and that was 30lbs.
Similar size to my 5pt bull elk I killed earlier this year.

She wasn’t a super big cow. I’ll get the tooth data in a couple months. I’m guessing she was probably 3 years old.

Thank for reading.

Next up is my Wyoming Buck tag - Nov1
I’ll get the tooth data in a couple months.
Thanks for the reminder. I checked on my daughter's cow moose from last year before I went hunting in Sept and they still didn't have the tooth age data up. Just checked it and it's up for ' says 8 years old under the cementum column and 8-9 years estimate under the other.

Congratulations on the moose! The meat is well worth the a resident, LOL.
I had never seen mule tape. You use it instead of paracord? I hate how paracord digs into some trees during bear hangs. I wonder if this would work better.

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I had never seen mule tape. You use it instead of paracord? I hate how paracord digs into some trees during bear hangs. I wonder if this would work better.

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I still use paracord in certain situations. Especially if I need short lengths of something to tie.

But you can’t beat mule tape for pulling or heavy use.
I should add, mule tape is mostly used by electricians to pull large wire through conduits.

If you know an electrician, he may have some used stuff kicking around.
Excellent story! That's what hunting and enjoying this time of year is all about.

Like myself, at times, I bet you thought about the ups and downs of being alone. It's great to have the pride of doing this all yourself, but the flip side is no one to enjoy the whiskey with.

I'll try to help you with the whiskey, at least, in a month!
congrats on your cow. I second the mule tape love, great stuff, people don't believe me when i tell them is 5000lb rated. I also used plastic toboggins to slide out my 2022 cow moose, 2 trips all it took. Slide out my late season cow elk on the sleds this fall as well, great investment when there is snow.
yup my moose i shot in 2022 took almost a year to get the age. Mine was 9 year old cow! I thought she was going to be a lot younger.