Coffee Experts--Input Needed

Jan 28, 2017
My wife and I love coffee. Obviously I have no idea how your wife will want to prepare hers. Coming from instant, probably something easy to prep and easy to clean.

We like the Ninja we bought from Amazon. It has a convenient "scoop", doesn't need paper filters, and has the ability to brew small batches. We drink Caribou medium roast as our daily brew.

We also have an electric percolator that we like. It's more to clean, but it looks nice and makes great coffee. You will get the occasional coffee ground in your cup though. I like that though, reminds me of hunting camp.

Presto Percolator

Just looked, cyber deal on the Ninja today.
Aug 4, 2014
Phoenix, Az

Super simple, set it at night and it comes on automatically and your coffee is waiting for you when you get up. You can make pots or cups. Mine has been solid for 2 years plus. Anyone who drinks instant coffee is not going to want to go thru the crap some people have posted in this thread. Add ground coffee, water, set it at night or wake up and push the button. Simple and works.
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May 9, 2013
You need to find out if she actually likes instant or likes the convenience of instant.

If she likes instant just buy a nice electric kettle big enough to fill her Yeti.

If she wants to dive into coffee then convenience might be out the window because grinders and coffee brewers take some time for setup and require regular cleaning.

You can get a nice coffee maker for under $100 that heats water to the proper temperature (Ninja mentioned above). I would recommend a separate burr grinder not built into the brewer unless it can easily be dismantled and cleaned. Then try different beans from different origins and different roast levels.

But first I would talk to her about her preferences.


Oct 4, 2014
I am unashamed to say that I typically prefer gas station coffee and cheap domestic beers as opposed to either fancy coffees or craft beer.

However, my wife likes fancy stuff and a couple years ago I got her a Breville Touch espresso machine. I think I dumped about $1200 bucks on it, but she really enjoys it, and I have grown to appreciate what a great cup of coffee good beans and a good machine can make.

For the OP’s situation, I would think a good drip machine and a monthly subscription to some beans that his wife would like would be the way to go. But, keep a high end machine in mind for the future… if your wife starts to appreciate something besides instant, she may start to get interested in lattes or coffee different coffee drinks, and an espresso machine could make a great present.


Jan 24, 2014
I have to respectfully disagree with crowmangler. Keurig generally tastes worse than instant IMO. Expensive, And you generate 3-400 pieces of plastic trash per year in the bargain.

There are companies making biodegradable pods now. Check out Cameron’s. Lots of different varieties and flavors that don’t taste anywhere near instant.

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Apr 9, 2022
I use a big stovetop bialetti and love it. Makes enough coffee for my yeti, it’s strong, and super easy to clean.


May 6, 2014
Corripe cervisiam
Spring a thermos of Peets FR French press made coffee on her and she might shit herself in the car on her way to don't want that.

Have her try a bunch...everyones different.

Coffee snob here....Gas station coffee works at 4am on a hunt if thats the only option....but Even in a wall tent camping I expend some effort on my morning coffee.

I have an expensive machine but I agree with Brad, before you start messing with it....have her try stuff like Nespresso [good], Keurig, [Ok] French press [excellent if a few rules are followed]

Sounds like you don't know much about coffee. The water and its temp makes a big difference.
May 15, 2022
In all seriousness if she wants a drip coffee maker get her a decent burr grinder and a Technivorm. Best. coffee. ever.


Mar 22, 2022
Denver, CO
Cold brew. Hear me out. I'm a strong believer that this is an amazing balance of quality coffee and little time invested.

A 1 gallon batch of cold brew lasts me about 5 days (~24oz/day). Stupid simple to make. Grind up some beans (~2+ cups). Dump it in a gallon jar and fill with water and stick it in the fridge. 24-48 hours later, pour it through a stainless cold brew filter into mason jars. Enjoy ready-made coffee whenever you want. Repeat when you've got 1-2 days worth of cold brew left.

Drink it cold or hot. Some purists may yell at me, but it tastes perfectly fine after warming it up in the microwave...just don't let get to boiling temps.


Feb 26, 2022
I like Peet’s from Costco—grind the beans and make drip coffee. Our Keurig is great too but it’s pricey to fill a Yeti every day.

Dos XX

Dec 29, 2018
# 1 in line for screen name dog fart
I have stuff to do pour overs, and I do make them sometimes. I used to do them every morning. I got tired of it. I now use a Bonavita 5 cup coffee brewer. They also make an 8 cup version. They make really good coffee with very little effort.

I do use a quality coffee that is roasted locally. I store the beans in an Fellows Atmos container.

I use a Baratza Encore burr grinder. If you or your wife don't want to grind, just buy beans and have them ground where you buy them.

I usually grind in the morning then make my coffee. I have on occasion ground enough for a few days and preloaded it into the #4 filters the Bonavita uses and then stored those in the Atmos. It works.
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May 16, 2021
North Texas
She's not going to do Pour Over, French Press, or want an Espresso machine if she's just doing instant.

I'd suggest something simpler like a great quality drip coffee maker. Most drip makers don't heat the water to the right temp at all, so that narrows down the field. I've used most of the "best" coffee makers (those that consistently get the water to195*-205*F). I found the Technivorm Moccamaster to be the be all, and end all of drip makers. You can absolutely taste the difference. But if you use crap coffee beans, they'll only taste worse. Really, you want great quality whole beans ground in a good quality burr grinder.

I'd get one with a stainless thermal carafe. Made in the Netherlands:

I use this burr grinder, but there are lots out there that work - far less important than the coffee maker:

The Moccamaster makes a damn good cup of coffee for sure.

I use a Baratza Encore burr grinder.

We switch between a couple of whole bean coffees that we get at our local H‑E‑B store as well.

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May 16, 2021
North Texas
I'm certainly no expert but you probably can't go wrong with just getting a Keurig. There's 100+ different brands / flavors pods she can try. Great deals on them at the moment too.

A Keurig makes a terrible cup of coffee.

But it is easy and she already drinks instant so……..

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Feb 2, 2020
My wife and I love coffee. Obviously I have no idea how your wife will want to prepare hers. Coming from instant, probably something easy to prep and easy to clean.

We like the Ninja we bought from Amazon. It has a convenient "scoop", doesn't need paper filters, and has the ability to brew small batches. We drink Caribou medium roast as our daily brew.

We also have an electric percolator that we like. It's more to clean, but it looks nice and makes great coffee. You will get the occasional coffee ground in your cup though. I like that though, reminds me of hunting camp.

Presto Percolator

Just looked, cyber deal on the Ninja today.

I have the Presto Percolator in the 12 cup size at deer camp, 6 cup size at home and at the office. It makes the best coffee. Everyone that tries coffee from it comments on how good it tastes

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Apr 8, 2019
She is drinking instant now...just get a drip pot she can set to brew inthe morning pand subscription to some good ground coffee.

A lot of the comments here have you going all out from the start...wrong...go basic this year for Christmas...maybe work up to a grinder from the kids for mother's day, better machine for her birthday next year. You can see the progression here..

Point being your starting from the bottom, you got a couple years of gifts if you play your hand right....

Good Luck!