CO point creep & 76O1A


Apr 3, 2012
Bucks County, PA
Going into this year's draw I had 6pp, which puts me nearly 3pts behind the minimum to draw the NR 76 archery tag. 76 appears to be the bottom of the ladder so to speak now that some guys are done chasing 61. It doesn't look like anything will change in the near future so my dilemma becomes where the heck do I drop to? There aren't any archery units worthy of burning seven points next year and after browsing the latest minimum PP it looks like the pickens are really slim for me...unit 20 1st rifle or 49 smoke pole or 1st rifle.

Anyone have experience in either of the two units? At this point I'm leaning toward 49 1st rifle. Stats look pretty good.
I'm also in no mans land, and need to burn mine soon. I just struggle with going rifle/ml hunting and not being able to archery hunt. I may just go for ml next year and then hope I draw somewhere else for archery.
I'm also in no mans land, and need to burn mine soon. I just struggle with going rifle/ml hunting and not being able to archery hunt. I may just go for ml next year and then hope I draw somewhere else for archery.

There just isn't an archery unit below 76 that warrants burning seven points. I'd prefer to hunt archery as well, but I'm not going to burn seven points on a unit that takes only two or three to draw. It sucks. I figure if I'm hunting with a gun I may as well up my odds and take the rifle hunt over the muzzy. 49 1st rifle almost doubles your chances on a bull over the muzzleloader.
Agreed. I don't rely totally on success statistics though as far as deciding to hunt or not hunt a unit though. I know how the typical gun hunter hunts and it is usually a lot different than an archery hunter. The main reason for me to go with ML over rifle is to hunt bugling callable animals.
Agreed. I don't rely totally on success statistics though as far as deciding to hunt or not hunt a unit though. I know how the typical gun hunter hunts and it is usually a lot different than an archery hunter. The main reason for me to go with ML over rifle is to hunt bugling callable animals.

Good point. I did miss 20's archery tag...4 pts minimum to draw.
I'm one point behind the 76 creep. It seems every year it takes one more point than I have. People are dumping their points on 76 and I'm so far into it, I am pretty much committed. I'd like to find a good OTC honey hole so I don't have to worry about it.

Anyone with 5 or more PPs can enter into the 'Hybrid Draw'.
That means any unit that takes 10 or more resident PPs is applicable
I know its a slim chance, but its still a chance... and you keep building PPs
[Non Res Caps apply] See page 5 of the Regs
I'm at 7PP and decided the best thing I could do is move to Colorado, then draw a Unit 61 tag!

I put in for the hybrid draw each year, hoping to draw a dream tag....doubtful.

I may use my PP for a rifle or muzzleloader tag, not sure yet, until I decide to use them I'll keep hunting OTC.
Anyone with 5 or more PPs can enter into the 'Hybrid Draw'.
That means any unit that takes 10 or more resident PPs is applicable
I know its a slim chance, but its still a chance... and you keep building PPs
[Non Res Caps apply] See page 5 of the Regs

I forgot about that new rule. Thanks for the reminder. If I don't cash in next year I'll be applying in the hybrid.

I'm at 7PP and decided the best thing I could do is move to Colorado, then draw a Unit 61 tag!

I put in for the hybrid draw each year, hoping to draw a dream tag....doubtful.

I may use my PP for a rifle or muzzleloader tag, not sure yet, until I decide to use them I'll keep hunting OTC.

I'd love to move west, but that isn't an option. In my mind it is, but not me missus. She's makes the rules.

I'm leaning towards first rifle in 49 next year, but am also considering archery in unit 20...
Archery in GMU 20 can be frustrating at best.
Lots of Private and the elk know where the golf course is...

I live 30 mins from there and wont hunt it...
I too am close to 61. 9 points now. Quiet ..... don't speak of the hybrid draw. One tag for 201, its mine all mine! That will never happen. I will put in for it the next two years and then try for 61.
