CO 76 muzzy cow hunt


Jun 9, 2019
Colorado draw surprised me a bit and my 13 year old's elk point was not enough to draw his 1st or 2nd choice muzzleloader cow elk in units we are somewhat familiar with. Instead he got 76 as 3rd choice.

We've driven through there before, looks steep as can be, and beautiful. But we've never stepped foot in it (except maybe the liquor store in Creede??)

Question is, wilderness or hunt from a truck camp? All things being equal, would like to backpack for a week - but can we expect to find herds reliably, or would success odds be higher if we instead stay more mobile and day hunt from the vehicle? Hauling meat won't be a problem as I'll have one of my older sons with us too. I really want him to be successful this year, after a few near misses on past cow hunts :D.

We aren't going to be holding out for a trophy...

Thanks for any words of wisdom.