Co Point Banking


Feb 27, 2012
Colorado Springs
Sounds like your saying that all license should go to highest bidder because after all everybody has an equal chance that way. Of course that's a discussion for another thread

They already do that with auction tags.........I don't think all the rest of the tags should go that route.

I also find it funny that it seems that most hunters are always screaming that we should increase our numbers and keep adding every youth we can find, as our numbers and hunting heritage is dwindling. Yet all I see every year is more and more hunters and problems with crowding and getting tags.

ColoradoV, you keep mentioning 10 year olds as the lowest point holders.........has something changed in CO which allows 10 year olds to apply for points?


Nov 10, 2013
They already do that with auction tags.........I don't think all the rest of the tags should go that route.

I also find it funny that it seems that most hunters are always screaming that we should increase our numbers and keep adding every youth we can find, as our numbers and hunting heritage is dwindling. Yet all I see every year is more and more hunters and problems with crowding and getting tags.

ColoradoV, you keep mentioning 10 year olds as the lowest point holders.........has something changed in CO which allows 10 year olds to apply for points?

A 10 year old knows where they want to hunt but will not be able to join the point game for a couple more years.. So someone who is 10 now under banking it will be after 2020 or very likely longer before they draw.

Same will be true for 0 point holders OF ANY AGE if you have 0 points you will not be hunting deer other than on LO vouchers under banking for 3-5 years.

In the small SW Co community that I live in hunters especially non res hunters have a pretty well earned bad rep. The more kids you get out even if they dont hunt every year will help with the perception that all hunters are not all 60 pounds overweight, 4 wheeler owners, with 60k rigs pulling 30k trailers, who are just gettin away from the wife for a week to slam whisky/beer while playing with their 300 wby mag they have shot 2x this year.... I see lot more value to allow kids to hunt - than some out of state "trophy hunter" who wants to kill 3 140" -150" dinks off his 4wheeler on his "banked" deer points.

Point banking comes down to a lot of folks want a 180" buck or 330" bull dropped whole in the back of their truck with out working for it. These folks think that high points units will make this happen with only a application and some time.. It is these "trophy hunters" (that will be shootin 140" dinks) are who most want banking. Most hunters I know dont have much of a problem pulling either out of current 0 -2 point units and dont want banking....

I know I will never hunt in 2, 201, 61, or 10 for elk and I will never be pulling the trigger on a 44 4th rifle hunt. I have accepted this as many other hunters should. Now that does not mean I will never kill another 180+ buck with my bow or another 300" bull as I will..
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Feb 27, 2012
Colorado Springs
I will never be pulling the trigger on a 44 4th rifle hunt.

Well, I've pretty much foregone any Muley hunting for the past 12 years so that I CAN do that 4th season 44 hunt. Ya, I pick up an occasional leftover archery tag and shoot a doe if it fits into my elk hunt, but I haven't done a dedicated deer hunt in a long time. Sometimes you have to make sacrifices to get what you want. At this point I just want to get these points out of the way so I can start doing some archery hunts.