Close-Range Woods Scope

Thanks for all the input so far - good suggestions and experience.

Common distances in the woods for me are 20-50 yards, and shot opportunities can present themselves for only a few seconds. Conversely, I can also sit on the edge of a field and potentially be presented a 200-250 yard shot, which somehow always seems to be at the very end of shooting light.

Seems like the few 1.5-6 powers really fit the bill well, but a 2-7 or 2-10 would also be a noticeable improvement over a 3-9.
Swarovski Z6 1.7-10X42 looks like it checks a bunch of the boxes.

It seems like most LPVO options are heavy, with busy reticles and exposed turrets.

I’ve used Leupold 1.5-5x20’s for a long time with no complaints. That said, my max distances for that scope is much less than what OP is looking to do.

You can’t beat a wide field of view on a woods rifle.

The VX5HD 2-10 has a good FOV as well.

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I just bought the perfect woods scope… A NIB Leupold VX-R 2-7 with the 4A reticle, if I don’t like it when it comes…it will be in the classifieds..
I would probably just get a 1-4 or 1-6x SFP LPVO. The exit pupil on a 6x24mm is still 4mm, the same as 10x40mm so exit/light transmission isn’t an issue on LPVO’s until you get to 8/10x.

I’d probably get the Trijicon Credo 1-6x24 SFP model. Know that LPVO’s are not forgiving of cheaper options and almost every 1-8, 1-10x or FFP will compromise the top or bottom magnification performance. The Credo 1-6x is a modest specification list with good glass, durability and weight.
This. Been down this road too
There used to be some decent 1.5-6x42 scopes out there, but haven’t seen one in a while. Schmidt and Bender made one and is what I’d look for if it’s still being produced, maybe used. LPVO’s have taken over this space. Low light is not an issue with a good one. And if you want it to work properly, stay away from Swaro, Leupold or Vortex.
Unfortunately Leupold doesn't seem to do any reticles other than Duplex, or Firedot in the 2-10/2-12 scopes.
They used to do a few reticle options that would've been perfect.

The Firedot on 2x is perfect for hunting 20-50yards, but no hold overs.
Look at the field of view on various scopes, not just the low-end magnification, it varies considerably even among scopes with the same magnification. My 2.5-10 has a immediately noticeable larger field of view than my 3-9.

Re reticles: a duplex or dot is perfect for 20-50 yards, but its also perfect out to 100. That covers 99% of your shots in the woods. If you need past that, use a MINIMAL MPBR zero, not an excessive one, you are still impacting 2” or less from point of aim out to 200 or so, and closer to POA at close range where most shots are taken. To me, these plain reticles are totally fine, with zero issues for hunting, at the ranges being talked about. Its only the practice past 250yds out to 500 or whatever where those drops start to even be relevant. At that point, yes, a reticle with some subtensions could be useful. Although Ive found it creates more issues than it solves for the hunting part of its job, so I would choose a different gun for that use if its an option.

Fwiw the 1-6 credo and accupoint, as well as some of their other models, are available in a bdc reticle (not my speed) or a mildot (much better imo). If you want to use a reticle for longer range shots like this but the focus is on close range woods use, I dont think you can do better than a bold mil-dot reticle. Zero at 100 yards and hold dead-on for everything out to 150 or so. Hold halfway between crosshair and first dot for 200, 1st dot is 300, second is 400, and past 300 each 10 yards is .1 between dots. With a 6.5cm you may need to add a .1 or two to this, but even then it’s the simplest, most effective reticle I have found for this use, and under pressure have found it easier to use at odd distances than the “bdc” reticles.
Hawke has a 1.5-6x44, with an illuminated #4 reticle, but no hold overs. They also have a large range of other scopes with various illuminated reticles of different designs. Vanguard used to have an riflescope line, they had a 1.5-6x44, a 2-8x32, and a 1.5-7x44, all with #4 reticles with a center dot. For what you're looking for, I think I'd give a hard look at the new Vortex Viper HD 2-10., it's a BDC with a center dot. Burris also has a 2.5-10x42 with a BDC with center illumination in the Fullfield IV. The question is, do you just want center illumination or do you want the entire BDC to be illuminated? The Athlon Argos HMR 2-12 has an option for an illuminated BDC.
Leupold VX3-HD 1.5-5 firedot. Zero it for 200, or 2 MOA high at 100.

You can holdover out to 400 with the duplex reticle. You don't really need a lot of bullet drop sub tensions for your stated purpose.
I know it’s cheap, I have a lot of barrels so can’t afford $500+ Per. I have used the vortex crossfire 2 1-4 for my 45-70 SBR. So far I have been happy with it, hits most of your points except drop on reticle. The illuminated dot is helpful at low light. I have used it out to 150 yards and no problem making hits out that far. Brownells had them on sale last year, $200 with rings. Easily worth that.
Doesn’t quite check all your boxes, but by far the trijicon accupoint 2.5-10x56 is my favorite dark timber/woods scope. The mil-dot reticle with green center dot is my choice. I think they are around 20oz.
I have been down this road, and coming from 20+ years in the AR world (including hunting), there is not a perfect scope for what you are looking for. However, the Delta Stryker 1-6 is a real sleeper of an optic. It’s outstanding with daylight bright dot and great glass, it’s just as fast a red dot. Mil reticle allows stretching it out a bit. I prefer it over my Razor 1-6 and Kahles 1-6 (which I sold), in addition to other LPVO’s that I’ve had over the years. It’s 17 or 18oz if I recall correctly.

I use one on my 12.5” 6.8 AR that I hunt with, including my last bull elk. In thick timber, I like 1x with an illuminated center dot. 30ish yards and drilled his lungs three times in a second putting him straight down.

I use the 6x at range practicing out to 500, but in the field I’m turned low.

However, I am biased to this type of shooting, weapon platform and optic. Sounds like our hunting scenarios are similar to mine, so it’s worth a look.

Here is what a deer would look like at 250 (this is my dope from the aforementioned rifle). 6x is totally usable for your “long distance” shooting.

I have been down this road, and coming from 20+ years in the AR world (including hunting), there is not a perfect scope for what you are looking for. However, the Delta Stryker 1-6 is a real sleeper of an optic. It’s outstanding with daylight bright dot and great glass, it’s just as fast a red dot. Mil reticle allows stretching it out a bit. I prefer it over my Razor 1-6 and Kahles 1-6 (which I sold), in addition to other LPVO’s that I’ve had over the years. It’s 17 or 18oz if I recall correctly.

I use one on my 12.5” 6.8 AR that I hunt with, including my last bull elk. In thick timber, I like 1x with an illuminated center dot. 30ish yards and drilled his lungs three times in a second putting him straight down.

I use the 6x at range practicing out to 500, but in the field I’m turned low.

However, I am biased to this type of shooting, weapon platform and optic. Sounds like our hunting scenarios are similar to mine, so it’s worth a look.

Here is what a deer would look like at 250 (this is my dope from the aforementioned rifle). 6x is totally usable for your “long distance” shooting.

View attachment 722596

What app is this?
Strelock Pro. It gone banned by Biden a couple years ago because the owner is Russian. I have heard it’s available still somehow but not through app stores. I don’t know anything about that though. It was (is) my favorite ballistic app by far. Igor (the owner) would always keep it updated with new reticles and bullets.
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Strelock Pro. It gone banned by Biden a couple years ago because the owner is Russian. I have heard it’s available still somehow but not through app stores. I don’t know anything about that though. It was (is) my favorite ballistic app by far. Igor (the owner) would always keep it updated with new reticles and bullets.
Now it's not available to anyone with any kind of US correlation unless you change a VPN and do a bunch of other IT stuff that I have no clue about. I've got version 6.9 (I think), and if you have an Iphone and upgrade your phone, it automatically deletes Strelok. It also automatically deletes it with any operating software update unless you turn off automatic app updates, or something like that. I have Android and I have that setting turned off so that I don't lose it whenever an operating system update comes through.
The Tract Response is a 2.5-10 that offers a BDC reticle coming in at about 18 oz. You can use their app to correlate ammo or hand loads to project the holdovers.

Don’t know if that checks enough boxes for you?
Probably bit late but I was in the same place few weeks ago trying to decide on a scope for my 18”.
I sometimes shoot farther but I took 3 different scopes out in the woods and tried them out. I settled on a Lepould 4-12. However I also decided to put a vortex 1x8 strike eagle on my 12” build from my actual woods testing the vortex 1-8 and the 1-6 strike eagle both were great for close ( under 100 yards)
I’ll probably get some heat for this….
I have a Vortex 1.75-5 x 32 Diamondback scope on my Tikka T3x compact.
It is my still hunting/woods rifle.
I have shot softball sized groups out to 300 yds. with it and I’ve carried it through the woods, up, over, under, and around for two years and have never had any problems with it.
I usually have it on the lowest setting 1.75 and it is very quick to acquire my target with both eyes open.
If you don’t want to go with a Vortex then I would recommend a luepold 2-7 scope. 2 is not much different than 1.75.
I’m very happy with what I have and it’s worked for me.

300 yard group

I hunt in places like here


To here….


My set up
