I'ma old fart. Started with screw in steps and the original "lock-on" brand and still have 2 (they weigh like 6# but the seats are uncomfortable and noisy).
Using a Summit climber these days. There is an 18# version and i think that's what i have. It is as stable and secure a platform as any. I often nap in it during the mid-day hours when the deer are sleeping. Get a folding saw to cut the dead nubs off the side of the trees when you are climbing.
I don't like the stick and stand thing. Yes I did it with a Millennial and just don't like it, especially stepping from stick over the damned cable to the platform. Have had sticks shift on me too many times. I'm 270# and if you put that weight at an angle on something not bolted down, it usually moves. So, sold the sticks & stand and bought a Summit.
Using a Summit climber these days. There is an 18# version and i think that's what i have. It is as stable and secure a platform as any. I often nap in it during the mid-day hours when the deer are sleeping. Get a folding saw to cut the dead nubs off the side of the trees when you are climbing.
I don't like the stick and stand thing. Yes I did it with a Millennial and just don't like it, especially stepping from stick over the damned cable to the platform. Have had sticks shift on me too many times. I'm 270# and if you put that weight at an angle on something not bolted down, it usually moves. So, sold the sticks & stand and bought a Summit.