If your virgin loads didn't have clickers, and also after looking at your pictures, it's highly likely that your sizing die and chamber at the 0.200 line are not correctly dimensioned to prevent clickers with the brass you're using.
Saum and other fat bodies cases are notorious for it because they're harder to size that 0.200 line on the case and get adequate clearance in the chamber to prevent a clicker.
Alex Wheeler has said that whidden's dies, even when custom made, may not size the base enough to prevent it. At least that is the case with prc.
Your solution would either be to open up the 0.200 area in your chamber by some small amount, maybe a thou or two, or have a different die made based on an accurately measured chamber casting or just by making sure the die maker will make that 0.200 area of the die about 0.002 smaller than the virgin case, or by trying Erik Cortina's expander die.
EC's expander die can be bought without a mandrel for $65 and be used to size the base of the case more to prevent clickers. It's an extra step, but should work. If it doesn't work, just sell the die. It's the easiest solution and one that wouldn't cost you much if it doesn't work.