
I find it more annoying when they sell the item but they don't change the prefix. So if you use the search to find something, their ad pops up as "WTS" or "WTS/WTT" and you click then it's "Closed for future replies." That drives me nuts. If you closed it for replies, how hard is it to change the prefix to "Sold?"
Thanks for the reminder. I just cleaned up some of mine.
Just standing by reading and watching. Rules, change , don't change. Scroll past , ignore, all viable options- I'm still learning . FNG, Joe
Okay.. now i understand this classified thing, havent seen this in any other forums, but this is probably good to avoid trolls and scams !
Just a wish, but I'd like it if people left the price visible of their item after it sells. I think that would help people looking to sell get an idea of what their item is going for. Seeing $old or SOLD in the ad doesn't help the next seller or buyer wondering what the market is.

I don't sell much though, so maybe there's a reason for doing it.
What happened to the positive negative feedback under the user's avatar when posting in the classifieds sections? Did this forum never have that and I'm losing my mind?
It’s still there, at least on desktop. But it’s just the green/red numbers. You can always click the user’s profile and see their ratings there too.
I’m going to reply as one of the guys that some don’t agree with, as in singular posts for items. I feel like I gain more messages from potential buyers with singular ads rather than bundling a bow, bipod and clothing in one ad. As a buyer, it’s easier to search and find what I’m looking for.

I would like it to be cleaner for sure in the future. As in the idea of multiple sections within the classifieds for sale items i.e clothing, optic, gun, gun accessories, archery etc. As a buyer it would definitely be easier to navigate and search within each perspective area for what I’m looking for. I’m a buyer and seller on the site and enjoy gear gawking/buying, even though my wallet sometimes disagrees.
Lot of good points and issues in this thread. We don't need to re-invent the wheel, plenty of longstanding and successful forums out there that we can take inspiration from......
^^ This would be great if it is easiuly doable. Just find a reasonable number. Maybe a donating member can add more?
That will get people to actually post sold, close a sale and lock the thread!
That's a good idea with one caveat. Automatic 30 day ban if you remove the sell cost (price) after it's sold.
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It’s like this everywhere, people also selling things for close to retail when they got it on a “pro deal” or something like that.
30 day ban?!! Cancel culture invades Rokslide

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I could see both perspectives on being able to do individual listings so that you can manage that individual item and mark
It sold.
As a buyer and a seller I prefer adds for each individual item unless it’s clothing that’s all the same brand and size. But for everything else it’s preferable. I dont have a purchase in mind most days, I’m just scrolling and if I see something I’ve been wanting to try and it’s priced right I buy it. I’m not going to click on every add and read down the list. As a seller that benefits most as well since I’m sure a lot of buyers have the same mind set.
Best to group similar stuff IMO. Instead of a bunch of threads or one giant thread group them by commonality.
Example, 10 different cartridges of ammo in one thread, reloading dies and stuff in another, tipi tent stove cots camping junk in another, etc...