Classifieds for new users


Mar 23, 2024
I'm curious about how classifieds work? With shipping and such? How does money exchange hands? How to safely purchase items? I'm new, never participated in a forum before. After reading multiple threads, there is to much valuable information not too. Also the classifieds are amazing.
Is it worth it to bypass the waiting period. Thoughts, feeling, opinions.....
A lot of it is what you decide, mostly common sense. Payment can be PayPal, Zelle, Venmo, whatever. Feedback, intuition, references, etc. can come into play as well.
This is not a paid endorsement (Ryan, are you there? :D), but I paid the $50 to help the site as I find the content invaluable, but you also to get some forum cred (few scammers are willing to spend the cash) and you get the double added benefit of immediate access to the classifieds.

Good luck,

This is not a paid endorsement (Ryan, are you there? :D), but I paid the $50 to help the site as I find the content invaluable, but you also to get some forum cred (few scammers are willing to spend the cash) and you get the double added benefit of immediate access to the classifieds.

Good luck,

Fair enough 👌 thank you sir
A lot of it is what you decide, mostly common sense. Payment can be PayPal, Zelle, Venmo, whatever. Feedback, intuition, references, etc. can come into play as well.
Although new to this, very experienced in online sales via FB pages of “allocated juice”. Be wary of PM deals, best are done and viewed publicly
Most of the stuff in the clasdifieds is not really that good a deal. They want paypal f&f so you have no protection. No waranty. Mediocre prices.

Too many folks hobble themselves to save $50.
I understand. I just listed a Nightforce NXS for sale and it won’t let me edit the prefix. Just says WTS and that’s it. Was wanting to put Nightforce in it and would probably get more views. Still trying to figure it out
How does everyone post pictures in listings? I continue to try to list things for sale but it never accepts the image file size even though it meets the requirements for file size, etc.